Gilbert ~ 13/03/1183

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Gilbert was quiet. Deathly quiet. He wasn't sick, he wasn't sucking on something, he was just quiet. It's like he knew. It's like he realized that Sister Antje was dead. She never recovered from her illness and it only worsened by the day until she never woke up, she was cold to the touch and her body was stiff by the time Sister Erna had found her. The funeral was brief, people died all the time, especially in winter. Sister Antje had only been fifteen and Sister Elke thought it cruel she'd been taken so young. But this started whispers around the orphanage and the church that maybe she caught something from baby Gilbert. Gilbert was healthy at heart but in appearance he looked sickly. He was as pale as a corpse, a sight that unfortunately Sister Elke knew. She'd been orphaned as a child, her family killed in a barbaric raid on her hometown, her life spared by a knight of the Holy Roman Empire. Wouldn't it be such a coincidence if that knight were Gilbert's father? For some reason she felt indebted to that man and on the off Chance Gilbert was his son she decided to take Antje's place. Not just for the knight but for Antje too, she knew how deeply Antje cared for Gilbert and she had started to feel similarly.

She held Gilbert in her arms. The child was nearly three months now but he had already been dealt such a poor hand in life. First his mother, then his brother and father now his favorite caretaker, probably someone he'd grown as acusstom to as he would his mother. But Gilbert would never have a real mother. Now he had her and she was going to do her best whether they liked eachother or not.
And she didn't much like him.

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