The Adventures of Drunken Y/N ~ Part 3

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Last of this miniature series. Hope you like it!

What is that pungent smell?

Y/N's eyes shot open. It was coming from... her mouth. Ew, you forgot to brush your teeth before bed, again Y/N! Gross...

Groaning, she pushed herself up. The pounding headache brought memories from the day before, as clear as water.

Oh my gods. What have I done?

I told you not to do anything. Look where you have brought us. Oh, why am I stuck with an idiot?

Can you shut up?

Y/N quickly sprang out of the bed. She remembered how she was laying on top of Arima...san. He wasn't there.

She walked out of the room and looked frantically everywhere around the house. She even checked behind the shower curtains. Arima was nowhere in sight.

She was slightly relieved and frustrated. Maybe it was all a wild dream. Maybe she didn't embarrass herself in front of her boss.

Walking back into the kitchen, she open the top cabinet and pulled out the bottle of hangover pills. Y/N poured two out and swallowed it allow with a glass of water.

"Ok, Y/N. You are going to work tomorrow. Today, you are going to call in sick and stay home. Suppose Arima was here yesterday, then you need to find a new job. At the level you disrespected him, who knows if you'll be alive if you go to work today?" Y/N gulped harshly.

Pursing her lips, she nodded her head with determination. "I'm going to find that damn phone and call the front desk."

She turned swiftly and walked right into a hard wall.

"Ow!" she yelped, rubbing her forehead. Since when was the wall in the middle of the kitchen?

"You don't need to call anyone, Y/N. I have already called in sick for the both of us."

Y/N screamed and leaped back, pushing herself against the counter. Placing her hand on her heaving chest, she stared at the sight before her in horror.

Arima, her boss, was standing right before. He had been in her house the whole night.

His snowy white hair was tousled from his sleep. The first three buttons were popped open revealing to Y/N the clear sight of his chest muscles. Arima pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose with the tips of his middle finger.

"Y/N?" He waved his hand before her face. "Hello? I don't have time for your gawking."

Y/N swallowed harshly and nodded. "Good morning, sir. Where exactly were you? I searched all over the house."

His eyebrows seemed to want to rise, but his brain seemed to battling to prevent the unnecessary wastage of energy on movements of musculature. "You pushed me off the bed. And I didn't want to get up, anyway."

Arima walked close to her. His stride was similar to that of a lion stalking its beloved prey.

"We need to take care of this habit of yours, Y/N. It would deem inconvenient in the future." He placed his hands on the counter on either side of her.

"F-future, you say, Arima-san?"

"Of course," Arima purred next to her ear. His hot breath felt delicious. "Why are you stuttering Y/N? Where did all the confidence you had yesterday go?"

Her eyes widened. She could feel her face get hot with embarrassment. "I'm sorry, I wasn't in the right state of mind." Oh really?

"So are you in the correct state of mind now?" Arima questioned.

Y/N nodded. "Yes, sir." She wanted to redeem herself by being as professional as possible. "I'm ready to work."

Arima's lips twitched slightly. He placed his hands on the sides of her hips and if it was even possible, leaned even closer to her. "I have the perfect work for you," he said huskily.

"Y-yes, sir?"

He planted his feverishly hot lips on the side of her neck. "Let's finish what you started early this morning, shall we?"


Aaaand that's the end, y'all. Please, I wanna know how your brains work, in the inline comments write the next parts. In my mind, it gets pretty heated up, buuuut I can't put it probably on words. Writing that type of work is in itself an art, so I'll leave that to the professionals. But meanwhile, you write the rest, I wanna read them.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

P.S. Arima and I have been married for 10 yrs now. Happy Anniversary, baby. Hope you are doing great in hell.

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