Chapter 5: Truths Told

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Nate and I sat down on the couch.

"Levi, can I ask you something?"

I raise an eyebrow, "Sure?"

"How did you end up in the alley?"

"Oh, while I was running away I heard a girl scream in an alley, so I went to go see what was wrong."

I tighten my fist, "And I saw Lucas cornering her."

"Oh so I guess you started a fight?"

"Yeah I threw some punches and he threw some punches, then the girl hit him in the head with a rock and knocked him unconscious."

I started to get angry for some reason, just by remembering what happened.

"So she saved you instead?" Nate says with a smirk.

I smile remembering her blush, "Ya... I guess we saved each other."

"How come she wasn't there when i found you?"

"Cause the sun was setting and it was getting dark, and you know how dangerous it is when it's dark."


Nate begins to look at me funny.
"What?" I ask.

"What's that on your lip?" I get a little confused and wipe my lip.

There was a smear of some pink stuff on my hand. 

"I don't know," I say looking at the smear curiously. Then it hit me..

When she kissed me.. her lipstick must've left a small mark on my lip.

"Oh, it was from the girl i saved, she kinda... kissed me as a thanks I guess."

I lied more like I kissed her unintentionally 🤦🏻‍♂️

My aunt suddenly appears and grabs my cheek, "You do have something there, what is it?"

"A girl he saved kissed him there," says Nate with a smirk.

"You must have been some hero, well there goes your first kiss" says my aunt as she walks back to the kitchen.

Nate begins to laugh so i flip him off.

"At least I got mine before you" I say, and he glares at me.

"Dinners ready!", advises my aunt.


After everyone finished eating, it was time for my aunt to give me answers.

"Ok Aunt Laurel, How are we vampires?"

"Well Levi... I'm only a vampire, you're a vampire demon."

I wasn't understanding, how can we be two different things?

"What's the difference?", asks Nate.

"Levi's mother... she was a vampire demon. Only the eldest child of a vampire demon can be a vampire demon."

"And I'm the eldest aren't I?", I ask.

"You're the only child Levi" my aunt says face-palming her forehead.

Nate and I look at each other and high five, "Heh, ya!"

"Wait, what about Levi's father?"

"Ya, was my father a vampire too?"

My aunt shakes her head no. "No... Your father was human. That's why I said you were half of Nate's kind and why it took you awhile to become a vampire as well."

"You mean a vampire demon?", says Nate.

"No, Levi hasn't fully transformed, which is a good thing because we need Levi to stay low till he does."

Nate puts his dish in the sink, "I should get going, thank you for dinner Laurel."

"Your welcome Nate," she says smiling at him.

I see Nate blush a little, I smirk cause its obvious he has a crush on Laurel.

We walk Nate out and wave goodbye.

I walk back in and start washing the dishes.

Aunt Laurel kisses my cheek and heads to her room, "Thank you and Goodnight."

"Goodnight" I say back.

I finish washing the dishes and head to the shower.

I starting thinking about what Haley could be doing while I shower.

Why am I thinking of her?!

I change then head to bed. I hope I see her again one day.

And with that final thought, I fall asleep.

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