Chapter 2

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“Is this really necessary?” Shouta asked Nezu one last time before knocking on the door of the first placer of the practical and written exam.

"Of course, Aizawa-kun. I want to talk to him and know where he got the information about the rescue points system. From his records, he and his family don’t have any connections to any hero or people working at U.A. I don’t know where he may have gotten that information Aizawa-kun and that unsettles me.” His voice was as cheerful as ever.

You unsettle me sir. Shouta thought as he looked at the perpetual smile on the principal’s face. He knew that Nezu made certain calls the past two weeks to find where the information of the exam leaked from. They even checked internet forums and dubious sites and they still got nothing.

“And Aizawa-kun, instead of beating around the bush, isn’t it better to ask up front and – It is a pleasure to meet you Midoriya-san.” Nezu smoothly cut what he was saying and addressed the woman who answered the door. “We’re from U.A and we have some news for your son.”

She really looked like her son. However, their demeanours were exact opposites. Where the mother was anxious and fidgety, the son displayed calm and control that was way beyond his age. Especially, considering that a person who had three crushed limbs laid in front of him back at the practical exam.

She frantically ushered them inside and brought them tea while she called her son from his room. She couldn’t seem to settle down and kept pacing in front of them.

“Oh my god, umm would you like some more tea? Why are you looking for my son? Oh! Cookies! Would you like some cookies? I’m sorry I’m blabbering hehehe. I’ll just sit here and wait for Izuku to come out.” She finally sat and poured herself some coffee. She was about to talk again when he heard footsteps approach them.

“I heard you’re from U.A and you’re looking for me?” They turned to see the fourteen year old and they saw his eyes widen when he saw who his visitors were.

“Wow...” He took a seat beside his mother. “I would introduce myself but I’m pretty sure you already know everything about me Nezu-san. Why is a teacher of U.A and its principal inside our house? Were there any complications with the people I patched up?” Midoriya asked with a cock of his head.

Shouta turned to Nezu who seemed to be thinking a mile a second, the smile still not leaving his face. Finally, he took a sip from his tea and returned it on the table.

“I have a couple of questions from what you‘ve just sad but first, did you not know that you passed the practical and written exam? And with flying colors if I may add.” They looked intently on the boy’s face to see his reaction and they saw his genuine shock at Nezu’s statement. His mother made a sound that was in between of a squeal and a sob and said something that sounded like ‘Izuukuuuuu’.

“The practical exam? Me?” He was pointing at himself and he still looked like he couldn’t believe it. “I wasn’t able to destroy even one robot though.” His brows furrowed and he looked at them like he was reading their expressions.

‘He doesn’t know about the rescue points.’ That was Aizawa’s immediate thought.

“That’s not our sole basis for choosing our passers you know.” Nezu started with a chirpy tone. “Did you really think that a hero academy wouldn’t assign points to those saving other participants?”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2019 ⏰

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