Chapter 15 A trip down memory lane

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Ok so basically half of this chapter is gonna be about the male reader found the dojo and took karate.

You and spinel were still in bed after last night fiasco

Y/N: Morning Spinel

Spinel: Morning Y/N

Y/N: Anything you want to do today

Spinel: well can we play video games today

Y/N: Sure

You and spinel got up from bed and two got dressed into your regular clothes and went to your living room to set up your NES.

Spinel: wait Y/N can i ask you something.

Y/N: Yea sure go ahead

Spinel: How did you learn to fight so well in Karate

Y/N: well its a very long story

Spinel:*sits down on couch* i have time

Y/N: Ok but dont get bored from it

Flashback 10 years ago to an 8 year old Y/N(cobra kai reference s1 ep 7)

You were on your bike going home from school and listening to (Boston- Dont look back) while riding.

You went through the strip mall and you saw the sign of the dojo. You were curious and decided to look through the window.

Y/S: What do we study here

Students: The way of the fist sensei.

Y/S: And what is that way.

Students: Show an Enemy no Mercy

Y/S: Correct now forward strike go.

You watch for at least 10 minutes and the lesson was over and you went inside.

Y/S: Welcome can i help you.

Y/N: Uh yeah i want to learn karate.

Y/S: Oh Ok i could use another beginner like you around i havent got much for a few months hang on a second.

Y/S went into his office and got some papers for registration.

Y/S: Here this is a form for payment for classes and you need a karate gi so make sure to go over it with your parents and come back in 2 days if you still to join.

Y/N: Ok thanks uh whats your name

Y/S: Address me as Sensei Y/S got it.

Y/N: Yes sensei Y/S oh can i get an additional form for my friend also.

Y/S: Of course here

Y/N: Thanks sensei Y/S later

You bike home really fast and your mom was home from work.

Y/M: Hey sweetie how was school

Y/N: Uh good *not really* Listen can we talk

Y/M: sure about what?

Y/N: I pass by this karate school and i want to join

Y/M: I dont know Y/N i dont think it fits you

Y/N: come on mom please it can help me new friends there besides school only have john as an only friend.

Y/M: *sigh* alright fine ill go get my purse.

2 days later you and john were at the dojo ready to begin.

John: Dude are you sure about this.

Y/N: Would you rather get Money stolen again.

John: Ill try my best

Y/S: Ok everyone get in rows

You learned how to punch,kick and show no mercy for the next fews years all thanks to your sensei and you won 5 karate tournaments being the top champion all time.

Back to present

Spinel: Wow what an interesting story i didnt know half your life was karate

Y/N: At least you didnt bored from it.

Spinel: So you still want to play video games

Y/N: I need to eat im out of slim jims lets go to the big donut down the street to buy more.

Spinel: Ok lets go

You and Spinel procceded on ypur motorcycle and went down the street.

Cliffhanger there next chapter will be short but will be good i promise
Also R.I.P John Witherspoon he played the granddad in the boondocks and also was in the friday movies
See ya in the next chapter.

Spinel X Male reader Where stories live. Discover now