An invitation

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>The next day<
I moved my arm around. It had healed overnight and was all better now. But I still wrapped a bandage around it, otherwise Jimin might've asked questions.

I left my flat and walked to school, listening to music on the way. I passed Jimin's house and went straight past -i didn't want to bother him today.

I got to school and went straight to my locker, getting out my books for the day. Rebecca was in the hallway laughing with her friends, unlike me she still looked like a train reck from our fight.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around, Jimin stood there, smiling at me. I smiled at him but then turned to walk away, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"How's your arm?" He asked, looking at it. I moved it a little and shrugged. "Fine" I said, wanting to change the subject.

"Would you wanna come round mine after school?" He asked me suddenly. "Why?" I responded, I didn't understand why he wanted to hang out with me, it's wasn't like I'd done anything for him. "My friends and I are gonna play some games and they said you could come" he told me, grinning.

"Sure" I said, it was Friday today so I didn't have to work anyway. "What time should I get there?" I asked, trying to finish the conversation so that I could get to class. "5pm" he said.

We continued talking about random things, I liked talking to him, he got me. Out of nowhere a book hit me in the back of the head. "Ow" I said, looking to see who threw it.

Rebecca stood there, with lots more books around her. She smirked at me, "whoops" she said. I threw it back, not realising that I used my bad arm.

Before the 'fight' could escalate a teacher -Mr South stormed out of his classroom. He looked at both of us. I stopped and looked at him, trying to seem innocent. I must be his favourite student because he then took Rebecca to his office, leaving me as if I wasn't a part of it.

I stood and faced Jimin again, he looked shocked. His mouth was hanging open and his eyes were wide. "Your arm..." he started saying. "I have to get to class, see you" I interrupted him, before running down the hall, away from my problems.

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