The end

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"Brainstorming time" Jimin said, motioning for us to all sit in a circle.
"How do we keep our precious y/n safe?" He asked, looking around at everyone.
"Don't let anyone else in the house" RM started,
"And lock all the windows and doors" Jin added.

"You guys don't have to do this" I told them,
"Yes we do" Jungkook said, and everyone nodded in agreement.
"Thank you" I said smiling gratefully. We all got up and went to lock the house up.

When we returned to the room, Jimin, who I think stayed behind, had added the safety rules onto the list of rules. We just sat there for a while, on our phones. I was playing a game with Jungkook, beating him. Tae was right next to him, encouraging him and sometimes fake glaring at me.

"Wait, y/n" Jimin said, tapping my shoulder.
"Yes?" I asked, glancing at him but still defeating Jungkook at the game.
"What else should we know about?" he inquired, looking at me. I finally beat Jungkook at the game and then put my phone down.

Jungkook was staring down at his phone in disbelief, but I was busy thinking about Jimin's question.
"Obviously there are the shapeshifters and moon hunters, the only other thing I can think of is werewolves" I told them.
"Werewolves?!" They said in unison.
"How are we supposed to fight werewolves?!"
J-hope objected.

"Werewolves are the good guys, they actually want to find moon people because it gives them more strength" I assured them.
"In fact, do you want to do the werewolf test?" I asked. They looked at each other,
"Sure" Jimin said smiling.

"First you have to give me some of your blood" I said, resulting in some unhappy faces.
"Please, I promise it will be worth it" I reassured them, it'll be fun. I got a needle and some test tubes -which for some reason they had in their basement.
"Who's the bravest?" I teased, holding up the needle.

After they had all been pricked it was my turn. I poked myself and let the black blood drip into the test tube. When I had filled it up, I called them back over for the best part.

"I will put some of my blood in yours, then we wait ten minutes. If they've changed colour, you're a werewolf" I explained. Then I carefully tipped some of my blood into each of theirs, they watched intently.

"Now what do we do?" Jin asked impatiently.
"Let's Go do some baking!" Tae exclaimed, and we all ran out of the room, towards the kitchen. After accidentally making enough mixture for 100 cookies I realised the time, it had been half an hour.

I snuck out of the room and down the hall. I went to the test tubes and saw something I didn't expect. I ran back to them, they were laughing and putting trays full of cookie dough into the oven.
"Guys" I shouted,
"The results are back".

They all stared at me and I motioned for them to follow me as I led them to the experiment. They saw what I knew would change their lives forever, and they stared in shock.
"We're all werewolves?!" Jungkook exclaimed.

I hope you enjoyed my story :)

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