•▪■Chapter 10■▪•

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They arrived in Dalaran surprisingly fast, with the sunrise, and just in time to witness a city's awakening.
Its inhabitants seemed incredibly rich or at least proud, Zaeith noticed.
They were walking the streets with such selfconfidence it made him feel weak and useless.
How was he supposed to come around in a city such as this one where survival was the first of his instincts to awaken?

"Here we are." Palnor looked down to him with a faint smile. "The Archmages will surely let you study as soon as possible."
He could only hope.
With a big gulp he followed his father up the many stairs to an entrance that would easily allow a medium-sized dragon to enter without a problem.
Behind it a few mages, seemingly only one of them an Archmage.

"Archmage Modera." Although the woman had been busy ordering the younger mages around, the gentle voice of his father caught her attention.
She turned around and peered at them before a smile spread on her face. "Why hello there. I deeply hope you intend to take good care while staying here. Lady Proudmoore slaughtered every blood elf here in Dalaran. Well, the Sunreavers."
"She did what?" Palnor's face lost a bit of colour.
"Slaughter the Sunreavers." The woman shrugged with an excusing look. "I apologise for rushing it out. I just don't want anyone in this city to get hurt anymore. So, what brings you here?"
"My son Zaeith...", Palnor started, gently squeezing his hand. "He's cursed and seemingly a master in the arts of magic but he was never taught. Highpriest Nao said it might be part of the curse but it is essential he understands magic as much as he controls it."
"And you want us to take him into apprenticeship." Archmage Modera gently patted her chin. "I see. We can try, of course, if he is willing to work with us."
Zaeith nodded quickly.
The earlier he got to see Alath again the better.
"Well then." She smiled. "Welcome in your new home, Zaeith. We have a group of children your age starting in a few hours. You might wanna settle in first and then one of them can surely show you around."
"We'll see you soon." Palnor hugged him gently and stood back up. "We can discuss then when meeting you in general would be for the best. I know you'll do great."

Zaeith was way too overwhelmed to reply or say goodbye.
He just stared at his father's back and how he disappeared behind the stairs.
A weird feeling spread in his chest.

"Let me show you your dorm." The Archmage tried to regain his attention and carefully took his hand, leading him up more stairs and behind another huge door to another staircase which they climbed.
The end of the staircase appeared to be long hallways ending in more staircases, round rooms and many doors with numbers on golden shields.
"Let's see..." Modera walked past a few doors. "Do you mind roommates?"
"N-No...", he replied.
"Then this one will do." She knocked on the door with the number 21 and then slowly opened it, silencing the conversations behind it.

There were two more boys sitting on the large windowsill which was made more comfortable by pillows and blankets, offering an inviting atmosphere.
One of the boys was a bloodelf, the other one a human.
The bloodelven one had short light red hair and incredibly light skin while the human had a skin of the colour of caramel, black hair and ice-blue eyes.

"A-Archmage Modera!", the human boy shouted out in surprise.
"Sorry for the random intrude, you two. I was just as surprised as you to get a last-minute-addition to our students." She chuckled quietly. "He'll stay with you. Maybe you two can show him around?" She stopped for a second and then grinned widely. "Please do, I don't know anyone who would have time for that."
"No worries." The bloodelf jumped down from the windowsill. "We'll go once he says he's ready."
"Thank you. Now, till later!" The door closed and Zaeith stood there with no idea what to say or what to do.
The human giggled. "The last bed over there is still free." He pointed at a bed next to the comfortable windowsill. "And no need to be shy. We're roommates after all."
"S-Sure..." He went to the bed and placed his bag on it, looking around to find a wardrobe for his clothes.
"End of the bed, furthest to the right is yours.", the human continued, seemingly watching each of his movements.
"C-Can you read my mind or what...?" He turned around to find a sly smirk on his face.
"I wish I could but no, your movements are just too obvious."
"They are?"
"They are indeed.", the bloodelf nodded and leaned against the windowsill, eyeing the clothes inside his bag. "They look expensive."
"They do, right...?" Zaeith sighed and quickly put them into the wardrobe. "Nobility sure is weird."
"You're from nobility?"
He nodded.
"Ah." The bloodelf's smile faded. "Well, if you are ready..."
"Sure!" He put his bag into the wardrobe as well and turned around to follow the boys out of the room.

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