Chapter 2 The Boy I Just Met?

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"My name is Luke, what is your name my lady?" He grips my hand and pulls me up to my feet. Then picked up my binder a waiting my answer.
"I'm Esme." I said quietly because I was so shy I could barely talk.
"What did you say I can't hear you?" Luke says.
"My name is Esme." I say louder.
"Oh nice to meet you, what class are you going to?"
"Science, room six-hundred I think." I say.
"Convenient, that is where I am going, can I walk with you?" He asks.
"Sure." I say calmly.
"Cool, so are you going to the dance?" He asks.
"No, don't have anyone to go with I-." He interrupts and asks me the question.
"Do you want to go with me?" He asks with passion in his eyes.
"Oh My Gosh, Yes!" What am I saying, I can't I have to go to grandma's on Friday.
"I'll buy the tickets." He says as we enter class.
"Okay, I got to go see you in the back." I say running toward my lab table no one sits by me, yet.
"Class" Mr.Rich says. "Welcome a new student to our class, Luke." everyone clapped for him. "Luke, you can sit in the back with Miss. Ecalia, Esme raise you hand so he can find you."
I did as he said. Luke came to the back and sat next to me.
"Esme what are we learning?" he asks putting his hand closer to mine.
"Chemistry I love it." I say, I move my hand closer to his and open the text book.
"Cool," he smiles and looks at me with his deep blue eyes.
"Nice," I try to detract myself form his eyes and pretend to read the chapter.
"How is your day so far?" He puts his hand on mine and looks down at me, and smiles.
Unsure what to say I say I look down and continue reading. Then I finally look up into his ocean like eyes.
"Esme, Luke are we interrupting something" Mr. Rich asks passing out the chemicals we were using in the lab today.
"No," Luke answers for me.
"Luke," I whisper.
He looks down at me.
"What are we doing?" I smile.
He grasps my hand and guides it to the instructions on the lab sheet Mr. Rich gave us. We look at the paper and listen to instructions.
"Class you are going to make water today, by mixing hydrogen and oxygen, to make water. The rest of the instructions are on your sheets. Begin." Mr. Rich goes to his desk and grades papers.
We look at each other and look at the lab sheet. "Well, it says to pore the oxygen and hydrogen in to the dish." I grab the beaker with the letter O on it.
"I was wondering, do u like it here?" Luke picks up the beaker with 2H on it.
I look into his eyes again. "Yes it is a very fun school it is really huge I am still getting use to walk up and down the stairs though." I grab the lid and trap the oxygen and hydrogen in the dish.
"I wasn't talking about the school." He laughs under his breath. "I meant this town." He continues to laugh at me.
"Oh." I am scared now. "it is a nice town the sunsets are always so beautiful. Everyone is so nice here." I place the dish on top of the burner.
"I would love to watch one." Luke stares at me.
I stare back. I feel tinglely inside what is this feeling?
"Have you ever loved some one before?" He asked looking at my face. "Your face is beat red."
"No. I never have." I turn to the dish. One drop falls form the lid.
"It reminds me of home there is so much rain there." He explained.
My heart skips a beat when I touch his hand and he grips it.
"The experiment is complete." Luke grabs the dish and puts on the table.
The bell rings, I am so great full it did I have english next period. It is free writing day. I can write every thing I want to. "Bye Luke." I didn't want to be here any longer I pull my chair out and dash for the door.
"Bye... Esme?" I hear Luke say in the distance.

I wrote about a girl that lost her way, it was a fantasy, I wrote 3 pages in an hour and thirty minutes. I didn't think I could write that fast.
The reset of my day went smoothly I got to eat lunch with my group, and I got to solve math problems which is quite fun actually.
I have band next I am so excited. I enter the band room and music explodes into my ears. I love band I get to play so many beautiful pieces of music with my flute.
"Hey Esme how was your day?" Anna asks as we get out our instruments.
"Okay I guess." I say as I put my flute together.
"Everyone listen up." Mrs.Perala instructed from her podium. "Sit we have a new piece to practice." She said when we sit in our chairs.
I am third to last chair. I have been there since sixth grade and it hasn't changed.
"We have a new member in our family. Flutes meet Luke." she says. "Luke you can sit next to Esme."
Oh great, I am not ready.
"Hey, nice to see you again." He smiles.
Why did he have to be a flute?
"Class, lets play this piece form the top." Mrs. Perala said.
When we started playing I completely forgot about him. I stared at the music and played with my family.
"That is how you play." Mrs. Perala said. before we put our instruments away. "I will see you all on Friday." She said.
"Wasn't that fun Esme?" Anna asked.
"A lot of fun." I was over joyed.
"Esme," Mrs. Perala said form behind me. "How was it I was thinking of you when I chose it."
"It was so beautiful. I loved it so much." I say.
"How would you like to direct it."
"Mrs. Perala it would be an honor. Thank you." I say sounding pleased.
"You start Friday. Can you handle it?" She asked.
"Yes ma'm." I said then she walked away.
This is so awesome I can't wait till Friday! I am so excited! Now I have to tell my dad.

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