He was walking slowing down the hospital highway with two nurse behind him holding some patient file. He have just finish attention to all the patient admitted in all the wards at the hospital. Is almost 5pm, closing for the day.
"Make sure you give them full attention, change drips, give injections and any order necessary thing" he said to the nurse while heading to his office.
"Yes sir"they chorusly answered
He tiredly walk into his office, remove his white hospital coat gently place it on the hand of his chair. Just then he heard a knock on the door, he looked at the door, wandering who that could be, he was nt expecting any one, no more patient outside and both his secretary and assistant, doctor Reedah had gone home, "then who will that be" he thought and the knock came again for the third time and louder.
"Yes, come in" he finally answered
His eyes grew wide when the person came in, he was not prepared to caught an eye with her, even in his dream.
"Surprise... Right" she said making her way towards him
He was speechless, what will he say to her? Why did he even answer from the first place, though have no use."I thought of going to your house but I remember what you told me last, so I decided to come here instead " she explained looking straight into his eyes without blinking.
Nazeef couldn't say anything, instead turn and started packing the necessary things he is to take home, he suddenly stop when he heard something from her
"Why are you doing this Nazeef, you promise to give me a chance, I tried everything I could and everything seems to be moving perfect at first but just then.......... I don't know what came into you, you suddenly change and turn your back on me, you block me in everything you know I can get access to you... What have I done wrong? Tell me.. " she said in tears
Nazeef was still silent, he tucked his things into his suitcase and turn to her
"Let's not talk here please "
"Jameelah, am very sorry" he broke the silence that was dancing between them for almost 5 minutes, since they arrived at the peaceful place, near a supermarket, where he brought a chilled grap wine for her to cool herself, she have been crying since they left the hospital
"Am really sorry for everything, for suffering you all this while and not letting you know" he added
She looked at him, as if did not hear what he said clearly
"Letting me know what? "He sigh and said "letting you know that I don't love you, not even for a minute, my heart did not accept you and I can't force it too, try to understand "
"Understand what" she almost screamed " understand that you don't care about how I feel, I love you with all my heart, am ready to risk my life for you, cnt you see that dan allah"
He tried to say something, but she interrupted
" are you this heartless and so mean" she furiously said with tears rolling down her red cheeks
"Did you think there will be a girl that will do what am ready to do for you"" Yes, there is Meelah" he answered without glaring at her
"That's it... I knew it... Who is she? "
He looked at her and said
"It doesn't matter, I love her that's all"She quickly opened the wine she was holding and splash it on his body, staining his sky blue shirt he was wearing

Dangerous Love
RandomA strong brave woman, with a very strong heart and has a strong fate. Ready for what so ever danger that will bring an end to her relationship with Nazeef...... DANGEROUS LOVE.