The Mirror of Erised

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Harry hadn't stopped. Every night he would put on his cloak and wander through the corridors to that room. He never slept, and it always distracted him. His parents were so close.... and yet so so far at the same time.

Nothing ever changed about what Harry saw, and that was comforting. Every night he got to see himself as he was, standing between his parents, and them smiling back lovingly. He wanted so badly to be with them. Some nights he even wished he could die for a little bit and then come back. He considered necromancy. But apparently muggles had that wrong. He couldn't stand life with the Dursleys any longer. He felt like he would die. But he knew there was no choice. He couldn't take it anymore.

After a hard day of double potions with the slytherins, and a nightmare about the Dursleys as soon as he fell asleep, Harry got up and visited the Mirror. To his horror, he could no longer see his parents. He saw his own mangled body changing every few seconds. Hanging. Gunshot. Cut. Guillotine. So many events and all lead to his death. He knew what he wanted now. He wanted to die.

Harry walked around solemnly the next day, wondering how he could live in a world where he wants to die at 11 years old. "What is it Harry?" A voice snapped him out of his thoughts, and his dull and empty eyes turned to the girl walking beside him. "What's what?" He asked, completely confused since he zoned out of the conversation. "What's wrong? What's up with you? You've acting really off, especially today. I'm worried about you Harry. You seem really sad." The boy looked down and shuffled his sleeve. "What's wrong with your arm?" Hermione looked panicked and reached for his arm, jumping as it was harshly drawn back. "Nothing 'Mione.." he tried to end the conversation but the clever girl caught him by surprise and lifted his sleeve. She was completely taken aback by what she saw. Bruises from green to purple to black littered his arm but that wasn't the worst of it. As she turned his arm over she started to cry. Long red gashes lay ripped into his skin, dried blood was stained on his skin from where it had dripped completely down his arm. White scars lay next to and under the fresh red cuts. "Harry.... why?" Was all she could say. Harry couldn't even answer. He pulled his sleeve down and ran off.

You idiot! She's gonna hate you now you know. She's gonna absolutely hate you. So will Ron and everyone else. Why. Why do I do it to myself? I guess it helps me calm down. When I'm upset or angry just releasing the blood and feeling the pain... it reminds me that I am alive, and it makes me dizzy enough to not be able to think of anything else.

After looking around anxiously for hours, Hermione and Ron finally found Harry hiding in the third floor bathrooms. Ron went in to get him as it was the boys lav. "Harry mate, cm'ere a sec, we need to talk to you. We're not mad, we don't hate you. Just please come out. Hermione hasn't stopped crying. She's really worried. Please. I am too..." he called out to the locked cubicle. The bolt slide and Harry opened the door a fraction. His eyes were bloodshot and he had a little blood on his fingertips. "Please don't say you've done it again..." Ron sounded like he was about to cry. Suddenly a drop was heard bouncing off of the tile floor. Both boys looked at the small pool of blood now forming in the crack in the tile. As they both raised their heads, Harry slammed the door shut again and yelled "go the fuck away and leave me alone." To which Ron replied "Listen, we can't leave you like this. Bloody hell Harry you're bleeding like crazy and what's worse is you done this to yourself!" After a few minutes of silence, Ron exited tearfully in defeat. He didn't stop to let Hermione know what happened he just kept walking.

A cubicle door opened. Was Harry not alone? "Potter open the door." Malfoy.
Great. Now Draco fucking Malfoy knows that Harry self harms. "Bullying is the last thing I need right now so please just go." Harry called out, but Malfoy wasn't having any of it. "Alohomora!" The cubicle door flung open and Draco was stunned by what he saw. The pool of blood dripping down Harry's arm was twice as big as when Weasel was there, and they were a lot deeper. Dangerously so. Harry tried to run but after a few steps he fell, almost completely unconscious. His breathing was becoming shallower. He was dying. Slowly, Malfoy pulled out his wand and began to heal Harry's cuts. "Vulnera sanentur" Draco muttered repeatedly until all of Harry's wounds were healed. Slowly, the boys eyes fluttered open again. "NO! Malfoy why?! I WANTED TO DIE!" Harry yelled at the blonde, who was severely taken aback. "I wasn't going to let you die, Potter. Now I don't think it's death that you want, I think you want the life you never had, with your parents. Go back there tonight. You know what I mean." And with that, the boy was gone. What?

He couldn't get the honorable actions of Malfoy out of his head. And what did he mean go back there? The Mirror? But how would he know? So many questions flew through his mind that he didn't notice his two best friends standing next to him until Hermione spoke. "Harry, listen" the boy jumped out of his skin, "we don't hate you for what you've done, we just want to know what's going on and why your doing that." Remembering that Draco had healed his arms, he decided to play the dumb card. "What are you on about?" He asked feigning confusion. "Your arms Harry!" Ron yelled, frustrated. But as Harry rolled his sleeves up, the skin was clean. The other two were completely bewildered. "But... I saw te cuts.... Ron saw the blood...How did you do that?" Hermione was getting flustered being unable to figure out what was going on. "I honestly don't know what you mean but I think it's time we go to bed." And with that, Harry dragged himself and Ron to the dorms. As soon as the red head had fallen asleep like the rest of the first year gryffindor boys, he donned his cloak and left once again.

As Harry sat in front of the Mirror of Erised once more, something caught him by surprise. A little girl walked forwards between his parents and held out her hand. He stood up and slowly walked towards her, leaving his cloak on the floor. Reaching out towards her, he placed his hand on hers. Before he knew it, the world went black.

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