What. The. Fuck.

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Harry began to wake up, his vision fuzzy as he didn't have his glasses on. "Harry honey, are you okay? You blacked out in the middle of the hall. Your lucky Emily caught you." His head was spinning. Who was talking? Who was Emily? "Can I have my glasses please?" He asked weakly. As he put them on, his heart began racing and his blood pounding in his ears. "Mum?" He asked fearfully, thinking this was a cruel prank. "Yes love?" She asked back unfazed. This was real! But how? "Mum I'm confused. Who's Emily? And how are you here? Is dad? Where is here? You guys died 10 years ago! I don't understand any of this!" Harry began to cry. His mother looked frightened and called out for James. She explained what Harry had just said and he was just as concerned. "Just explain to him where we are and who we are and I'll run to the library, see what I can find." James gave Lily a quick kiss on the cheek and ran off. She sat down on the bed beside her son.

"Okay so you know me and your dad?" She asked, attempting to gain a basic knowledge of what Harry thought had happened. "Yeah, but I don't know where I am or who Emily is." He answered. "Emily is your little sister, she joins you in hogwarts next year. And I heard Draco is bringing Serpentine for Emily to play with this year. Dumbledore agreed that Ems and Serpentine could have a separate room to all of the other students because of their magic. Emily and Serpentine have a telepathic link and can also have magical outbursts. St Mungos are testing them trying to figure out what they are. During an outburst, they start glowing red for Em and green for Tinny. Then weird spirits of the same colour fly out and start destroying things. The girls can also transform into any animal they want on command." Harry's head was already spinning. "Can we go a bit slower? Where are we?" He asked nervously. "Of course honey, we're at Godric's Hollow for the holidays." She said as simply as she could. "But Voldemort destroyed Godrics Hollow when he killed you and tried to kill me! That's why I have-" he stopped mid sentence as he reached up to his forehead. There was no scar, and now that he thought about it, he wasn't wearing the same clothes either. What was going on? He glanced down at his body. He wasn't as skinny! Still a bit underweight though. He pulled up his sleeves and looked at his arms. Not pure skin and bone and they were clean and smooth. He felt his knees. No grazes. He was a normal healthy boy. He was in awe. What had the mirror done? "Can I see Emily?" Harry asked. "Of course love. EMIIIIILYYYYYYYYY!" Lily shouted out. "Yea?" Emily said from the doorway, causing Lily to jump out of her skin, and a laugh to escape Harry. "Ems what have I told you about spying?" Lily laughed too. Everyone was just so happy. "Sorry mumma, I just wanted to check on my big brother. Is that okay?" She asked with a sarcastic smirk and puppy dog eyes. Lily just laughed again and shook her head. "I'll leave you two to talk." She said as she left, shutting the door behind her. "So you're Emily?" Harry asked. "Well duh!" The little girl glanced at the door and peaked through the keyhole. "So your from a different world huh? I saw you in the mirror and you looked really sad. Like you wanted to die. And I knew that this Harry had died which is why he was late home. So I brought you here and sent him there!" She smiled happily. Wait so there were alternate universes? They were real? And in this one, Harry had died. So Emily brought a new Harry? To replace the old one? Harry's head was spinning even more than before. "Introductions! I'm Emily Lily Potter, I'm 10, I'm your sister, and I have strange powers. Your in first year at Hogwarts, and you're a Gryffindor. The whole family has been. Uncle Sirius is always over with Uncle Remus. They adopted a little girl called Jane. She's our cousin. We've got more relatives but we don't really see them. Oh, and there's Teddy. He's a baby. He's Janes little brother." She rambled on. Harry was as lost as anything. "Right so. Uncle Sirius and uncle Remus, two kids, Jane and Teddy? Your my sister. Other than that everything seems to be the same?" He asked questioningly. Emily knew a lot for a ten year old. "Well this is the closest reality to yours. The only difference is that your not the chosen one. It's Neville. But Voldy didn't kill his parents or his grandparents. He's focused on recruiting him." Harry was stunned again. How did she know so much? "I can see into different worlds and the future too. It's part of my magic. Mumma doesn't know that part, only Tinny does. And the future you had was terrible. That's why I made sure you found the mirror so that if this Harry died I could save you. And that's just what happened. Oh, I can read minds too. So yeah." The two sat in silence. After processing what he could, Harry merely nodded in acceptance. "How did your Harry die?" He asked nervously. "Umm.... well I did say this was the closest reality to yours... he wasn't happy and at school Blaise kept being really mean and bullying him. A couple days ago he decided he couldn't take it anymore and... well... let's just say he chose this..." she trailed off sadly. That was her brother and he'd just left them all. "I won't leave you. Any of you" Harry reassured Emily and pulled her into a hug. "You smell just like him. You act like him too" she smiled and fell into the warm embrace.

So I know this is confusing at the moment but it's meant to be. You find things out along with Harry. Everything will begin to clear up soon.
    Love AmbieBambi394

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2019 ⏰

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