The other me ~

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This poem is self explanatory, it's a poem of me describing myself before all my toxic traits came into play, before I got so mentally unwell that I thought the only way out was suicide. I write about how I miss the 'old me' so the version if myself before the mental illnesses and the self destructive behaviours. I hope that if you relate to this in any way you seek help before it gets too far, you'll thank yourself x

I miss you
The old you
Before all of this
The bottles
The uppers
And the S.H

I miss you
The you that made jokes
Jokes that were funny
The you that laughed
A real laugh
The you that wore a smile
An unforced smile

I miss you
The you that loved
The you that cared
The you that laughed
The you that trusted
The you that YOU liked

So to you
Please come back
Bring good memories
Laughter, smiles and tears
For I miss you
And you miss me too

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