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Today is the day me and Colby go on a couple's adventure to...

Colby's POV:

*says to camers*

Hey guys it's Colby Brock and I'm filming for Kenz because I have a suprise for her and it's kinda her birthday gift kinda not because her birthday is in October on the 3rd so this is too just show her how much I love her. So let's go wake Kenz up right now so I can tell her too get dressed because her amazing boyfriend already packed her suitcase.

C-Hey Kenz wake up baby.

She will not wake up *laughs*. *Kenzie Groans*.

K-Baby what time is it?

C-Like 7:30 babe but you have to wake up for the suprise so put on some comfy clothes or some of my sweatpants because your only in a shirt and get up right now.

K-Ok I will and what do you mean by suprise babe. Also why do you have my camera and recording me at fucking oops sorry I mean freaking 7:30 almost 8 in the morning.

C-Stop complaining and let's go I'll explain on the way.

Kenzie get's dressed and then we head downstairs to the car. I get our suitcases in the car as Kenz get's in the car and waits for me to explain what the hell is going on. *get's in car and starts recording again*,

C-Ok so this isn't your only birthday gift and it's not really your birthday gift it's mostly because I love you so much and you've never been to this place before...

K-Ok sorry interrupting babe but where you taking me-are you murdering me *laughs* (colby does too)

C-No of course not baby and I have our suitcases and we have to catch a flight in like an hour or so because where going to... I'll tell you at the airport because our passports will say were where going.

We get to LAX and I get our suitcases out of my car and we walk inside and I give Kenzie her passport and she screams.


C-Yes are we excited?- I wanted to get away for a few days and because I love you so much I chose to go to Hawaii.

Kenzie's POV:

I took my camera out and say.

K-Today is the day me and Colby go on an couples adventure to HAWAII!!

We walk to where we have to board the plane and my anxiety was really high because last time we traveled we went to the Stanley Hotel for a Sam and Colby series.

C-Baby are you ok?

K-Uhm yea it's just last time we traveled we uhm went to the..

C-I know and it gives you bad memories don't think about I'm with you ok babygirl.

That name sometimes calms me down but sometimes in other situations makes me really "excited" inside. This is a complete different story though. *10 hours later*

We arrive in Hawaii and it feels like I'm melting because I'm in sweatpants and it's like 100 degrees outside here. I took my suitcase and told Colby I'm going to put on some shorts because it was hot but it could have just been me.

C-Ready to go get checked into our hotel room?

K-Yes I'm so ready babe!

We get to the hotel, Colby checks us in and the manager gives us the key and we go find our room-Colby opens the door and there was a fucking hot tub in the room a HOT TUB.

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