Becky and Seths beginning

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Becky's POV

"I'm sorry", the doctor said, watching me over his glasses ,"but all those kicked you've taken to the stomach has ruptured your womb." I placed my face into my hands and cried. My body shook and Colby tried to hold me still. "I am so sorry but you are unable to have children." I cried even harder at this, wailing in pure grief. The doctor left the room and informed the nurses on my wailing. Once I had calmed down a bit Colby whispered to me ,"That's not the end of the story you know", I glanced up at him and stared into his eyes ,"this is just the beginning." He handed me a leaflet. It was a foster home leaflet.
This story is really hard to write cause I have a HUGE twist ending which will hopefully lead to a series but....🤞

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