Katerina's fear

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I think you should hear how I met the doctor first.


It was June 20 2014, I was twenty years old that day. I was sitting in a spa when a guy comes in asking for me.

I look up to see the desk clerk point him in my direction. He walks up to me, "Are you Katerina Ryliegh Tyler?"

"I am how may I be of service."

"Katerina, I am the doctor. I am facing something your familiar with , it's called Vashta Nerada. I was told you could help m..."

"No I can't... I'm sorry doctor but I can't help you... I don't know what your talking about this Va... Va... Vash.... sha... sha... Nerahaha..." I get up and start to leave. Terrified as fudge.

"You know what I'm talking about Katerina, your parents were attacked by the Vashta Nerada. When you were a little girl the Vashta Nerada came to your house and took over you parents and it killed them. That's why you cannot say it's name. Please Katerina you survived the Vashta Nerada attack for a reason. Please help me Katerina your my only hope to save my dear Rose Tyler." I hear him say Rose Tyler and I freeze with joy.

"Rose Tyler you say, does this Rose Tyler have a mother named Jackie Tyler."

"Yes she does, do you you know Jackie and Rose."

"Jackie is my Aunt."

"Oh. So will you help me."

"Only to save Rose. "

"Thank you Katerina. "

"I am only facing my fear to save my cousin. I will do anything to save Rose, over the years Jackie and Rose became my family. Jackie took me in as her own. Rose became like my sister when my parents died via, Vash.... Vash.... Vash... Ta..... Ner. Nevermind. "

"Lets go, then."

"Ok. Lets go."

We go into his TARDIS. We arrive at the place that Rose was captured by the Vashta Nerada. I realize where we are immediately begin tearing up. "You didn't tell me, the place Rose was captured by the them was where my parents died. They are still here aren't they."

"Yes, they are."

"It's dark in here. Can we turn on a light."

"Unfortunately, the Vashta Nerada, has messed with the lighting. " We hear the my name being called by a deep voice.

"I know that voice I heard it before my parents died. It's them."

Katerina, Katerina, Katerina, Katerina come here, Katerina, you know where I am. Its the room in which you slept that very night.

"I have to go, you know I have to go, alone. "

"No, you can't it's a trap."

"You said it yourself I survived them for a reason, let me figure out why by confronting them by myself, if I need you I'll holler I promise."

"Ok. I must admit, I'm a bit worried about you, facing them alone."

I go to my old bedroom, the one in which I slept in the night the Vashta Nerada killed my parents. I stand in the light of the moon that is shining through the only window. "I'm, here, that's why you took my cousin is it not. You knew the doctor would search for me. You tricked him into bringing me here am I correct. "

You are correct Katerina. I did take Rose Tyler, to trick the doctor into bringing you here. I lured you here to kill you. All you you have to do is admit your afraid of me and I will end your torture of thinking your the reason your parents are dead. You know I'm correct. You blame yourself.

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