A Warm Welcome

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Y/N cursed quietly..."What the fuck, Y/N...way to sound desperate!"

She walked back over, picked up her ax and swung it, effectively splitting the wood in two. She tried not to think about her sexy new neighbor...it had been waaay too long since she'd felt a man's touch and frankly, she was getting tired of her battery operated toys.

Y/N finished splitting the wood in no time...it's amazing what a little penned up sexual energy can accomplish!
She returned the ax to the shed and went inside.

"Purr...purr..." She looked down to see Pumpkin sniffing her legs and rubbing his head against them.

"Hey, boy...you smell our new neighbor's dog, huh?" She bent down to pick him up and cuddled him.

"How about you keep me company while I make some cookies for them?"


"Great, let's go!"

Hoseok groaned as he opened yet another box...unpacking sucked and unpacking alone was even worse.
He had been at it for a couple of hours and he was still nowhere near finished.

He stood up and stretched his arms and back. Mickey was sleeping peacefully on the couch, snoring softly.
Hoseok smiled, he was lucky that the cabin came already furnished.
The realtor said the older couple that had lived there were moving to Florida and were leaving everything behind.

Hoseok had most of his belongings shipped ahead of him and his realtor was kind enough to meet the movers here so they could drop off the boxes. A bottle of wine and a gift certificate for a nearby restaurant were left on the table as a welcome gift. Hoseok thought about opening the wine but decided it was too early.

A soft knock on the door sounded and Mickey immediately jumped off the couch and ran to the door barking happily! Hoseok walked over and peeked through the peephole.

There, on his porch, stood his beautiful next door neighbor!
His heart began racing...he took a couple of deep breaths to slow it down before opening the door.

He was greeted once again by that heart stopping smile.

"Hey Hoseok, I baked you these cookies as a housewarming gift and I thought I would drop them off."

He stood there and took in the sight before him...God, she was beautiful!
Her long hair cascaded over her shoulders in waves, her eyes seemed to sparkle with a light from within and those pretty, pink lips...fuck! They were so full and inviting, he just wanted to bite gently on them, then kiss her until she ran out of breath.

"Umm...if this is a bad time, I could come back later."

He suddenly realized that he was staring and hadn't invited her in.

"Uh, yes...I MEAN NO! I mean, of course...please come in."
Hoseok stepped aside so she could enter then closed the door.

Y/N handed the tray of cookies to Hoseok...their fingers brushed against each other and their eyes locked.
Hoseok's gaze dropped to her lips and he swallowed hard.

"Arf! Arf!"

Mickey ran around them both, yipping happily! Y/N giggled and squatted down to pat him.

"Well, hello again, Mickey!"

Hoseok placed her the tray of cookies onto the table. Mickey rolled over onto his back so Y/N could rub his tummy.

"Aish, Mickey! Have you no shame?!?"

She rubbed his soft belly and he soon began to doze off.

"Wow, you must have the magic touch!", Hoseok exclaimed.

Neighbors ~ A 21+ Jung Hoseok Fanfiction  ~ Book Cover by Izzybella's HopeWhere stories live. Discover now