Letter 1: High School Sweetheart

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October 11th, 2014

Guadalupe Peak... Guadalupe Peak was the location I, Toby Cuddihy, decided for my dearest friend and I to travel and take pictures of the scenery for a school project in Photography. If I had known the horrors to await me at that mountain, I wouldn't of ever attended the hike. But, I did, and now my very life is suspended in front of death and there may not be any hope for my soul...

...again, as I said, my friend and I decided for a time in which we would travel the highest peak in all of Texas deep in a Photography lesson in Halestone High School. Our plan was to win the project and for Abdoul Hanlon to earn the attention of his high school sweetheart; Alicia Forester. I, on the other hand, was going to earn my way into college with the certificate of my winnings from the project. As a result, we both got what we wanted and it was the ultimate 'win win' scenario for the both of us. Little did I know that the certificate and Abdoul's crush's attention would never become true...

...at times like this, when I lean against a tree stump and hide my whole body behind a shrub capable of containing several people, I think what the people back at home are doing. My mother, my little sister, the whole town and how all of them must be coping with our sudden disappearances. I continuously blame myself that we got ourselves in this position and are only calmed down by the comforts of Abdoul or from the suffering screams of another distant innocent soul being attacked by the monsters roaming these woods...

...however, the only thing keeping either of us sane are the continuous memories and stories we tell to one another. Most recently, the story of Alicia Forester's first time attending the high school in sophomore year brightened both of us; despite the constant screams of another innocent being brutally murdered some mere fifty feet from our hiding location. As he described it, Alicia Forester first entered biology class thirty minutes late and appeared extremely damp from the ongoing travesty the clouds were performing. "Sorry" was her only response to the lateness and disapproving looks cast by the teacher. All in all, the seat she took happened to be the seat next to Abdoul who was deeply immersed in the ravenous weather outside...

...as she introduced herself, Abdoul was overcome with a wave of deep affection. From her silky, black hair to her pearly, piercingly and strikingly beautiful blue eyes; he was in love. The only thing that managed to break their bond and further expansion into friendship was the annoyance of Abdoul's gothic ex-girlfriend, Raven Woodbridge. Who was quick to exclaim Abdoul's sexist and homophobic virtues whilst also expressing the time of their relationship when Abdoul attempted several times to push her down a flight of stairs... all of which were untrue. However, to a person who had someone obsessing over them, all of these rumors were true in the eyes of Alicia...

...so, over time and to the thankful companionship of Raven, Alicia instantly grew distant with Abdoul and the two never had a conversation since. She eventually grew to a group of girls commonly known as the "Cardashians" who had no interest in Alicia but only accepted her because of her smartness. As time went on, it became more clear that Alicia was an official outcast and we often spotted her in the library, studying for upcoming tests or quizzes. Nevertheless, Abdoul never had the courage to talk to her due to the false tales procured by Raven. During this exclaim, Abdoul seemed to show a look of deep hatred, maybe for himself or for Raven; I never got to know...

...on the day before our unfortunate abduction, a new rumor had spread around the high school concerning Alicia and the swim team captain; Nicholas Newton. Although we had little time to discover the mean depths of such tale, both of us detected the insanity and abhor reaction produced from Alicia. In contrast, Nicholas acted as if he owned the halls for the remainder of the day and believed himself to be the king of the school. Again, if we were not trapped in a place so wretched and hellish, we may of heard the unfortunate story and sympathised with the outcome of emotion witnessed by Alicia...

...at that precise moment the tale ended and the screams of the innocent soul were extinguished as they were forcibly dragged to their unfortunate destiny. We haven't had the mere time to introduce ourselves to other beings who also hide behind shrubs and talk to themselves to keep out of the hands of insanity. We fear that if we do, the barbarous and corrupted souls of the killers may find and send us to the same fate we continuously hear others turn to. Those that we have passed on our way to search for an escape, have either dismissed our endeavor or scattered deeper into their newly camouflaged homes....

...The Woods, or also known as A Forever Nightmare is what we have learned to call the area of the woods. We have heard whispers about a distant house that the killers drag those they have caught to. It still remains unknown to us what the house's role is and who inhabits the house, but nobody that has ever entered it have left the same as they were. This area of the woods seems to have no day or night, just an intolerable gloom and a painstaking cloud of mist within certain locations...

...a new trouble has awakened before us that disallowed us to sleep... At about what felt like midnight, a new innocent soul was dropped into this cage of demons and strangers... The strand of purple hair and a tight black leather jacket revealed a person we both didn't want to ever witness the events that occupied such vicious activities. Despite our differences, this person did not deserve their upcoming destiny and in some way we sympathised with her state of mind... it was... Raven Woodbridge...

...I hope that the next time I write, I will write with full audacity that I will be sane and alive. A note for my future self or wanderers who discover these letters, is that don't boast your confidence to others. We recently saw a man who leaped from his hiding place and attempted to wire a what seemed to be some type of brass machine into life. However, by the time he managed to complete his quest, one of the many beasts roaming this area of the woods caught hold of him and swung their heavy sword straight into his heart. It wasn't long until the ruthless killer had dragged him toward a distant on-going light. Still, the machine's light seemed to of caused the attacker great agony and my theory is that if all these machines were turned on... there may be a way out... a way out of this nightmare... 


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