It's Always Been You

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((Explicit Alpha/Omega))

     As the returning eighth year students settled in at Hogwart's, they noticed some changes amongst each other. Most didn't have any change in appearance, but they did notice that their sense of smell and eyesight had greatly improved. A few were faster and more agile, like Hermione Granger, but most physically were unchanged. 

     Some students were bigger, more muscled and visibly stronger. Deemed more attractive by other students. It had not gone unnoticed by Hermione Granger that these students were mostly pureblood. Ron and Malfoy were two examples. 

     Ron had grown into his long limbs, his shoulders filling out. His jawline had become more defined and he seemed to have continuous beard scruff, giving him a more rugged look. He looked more like Charlie than any of his brothers. 

     Malfoy had filled out as well. His broad shoulders straining the seams of his tailored shirts and jackets. He moved with a predatory grace, like a panther. His power was palpable in the air. 

     Ginny Weasley had also changed. She was taller and stronger, more agile, and wicked fast. Male and female students seemed to vie for her attention. Padma Patil had changed similarly. 

     A few other students didn't change in size, but the difference was noticeable. They were more attractive versions of their former selves. Parvati Patil was more curvaceous, her hair shining, her eyes sparkling, and her lips full. Pansy Parkinson had a similar transformation, her cat like gaze following Ron more often than Hermione liked. 

     A few boys seemed different as well. Neville was more fit than ever. His previous clumsiness was now a fluid grace. Harry's usually unruly hair had become softer and more manageable. It still stuck up, but now it looked fashionable not messy. 

     The common factor with these girls and boys was the smell. Hermione found it hard to be around Harry or Neville for long periods of time. They smelled so delicious. Like home and dessert and sex. They smelled like everything she'd ever wanted and didn't know she needed. She found herself touching them more than usual and had to remind herself not to. 

     She also noticed that Ron and Ginny had become ridiculously possessive over Harry and Neville. Growling when the bigger students got too close. Ron would put himself in front of them and stare down the other students until they fled. Everyone seemed to fear the Weasley siblings with the exception of Malfoy and Goyle. 

     But Malfoy never directly approached. He watched and would sniff towards Harry whenever he got close enough. He didn't seem interested in any other changed students, just Harry. 

     After a week or so, McGonagall came to their shared common room to explain what was happening. "Most witches and wizards come into their inheritance when they come of age. Poppy and I think that the stress of the war has caused your generation to be delayed. I'm sure most of you have noticed a heightening of senses. Most of you are considered betas. No physical changes, just heightened senses. Several of you are alphas. The ones that are bigger and stronger. I would ask that the beta students do not challenge the alphas. They will hurt you severely and there isn't much legal recourse. Be polite and stay out of their way.

     "Unfortunately, I see that we also have several omegas. This is unfortunate because omegas are very rare. They can only mate with alphas and even the males can carry children. Those of you that are omegas will find yourselves going into what most refer to as a heat cycle. This will leave you in danger of being mated to an alpha against your will. I will explain further in private if you wish to know. My suggestion is to find an alpha you trust and mate as soon as possible to maintain your safety. We will provide isolation chambers for those of you that do not wish to mate."

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