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     Draco shouldered his way through the crowded halls. He didn't like Muggle Studies, but he didn't want to be late. He slipped into class with a minute to spare and found all of the seats occupied. All but one. Next to Potter. So this is how his day was going to go? 

     As he sat, Potter gave him a polite smile and they exchanged quiet hellos. It was weird being polite to the boy wonder, but Potter had insisted at the first of the year that he wanted to stop fighting. Draco was fairly certain that Potter was the reason the other students had stopped attacking him and the other Slytherins in the hallways as well. 

     "Good afternoon class," Professor Moore chirped. Her voice was annoyingly high pitched and she flitted about like an obnoxious bird. "Today we'll be comparing muggle unions to wizarding traditions. For centuries muggles have incorporated wizarding traditions into different ceremonies they use themselves. Adopting holidays and ceremonies from the ancient druids and early pagans."

     Draco skimmed through his book as she prattled on. He lost track of the lecture and started taking notes from the text. He only looked up when Potter nudged him. 

     "with your partner. You'll be getting your evaluation based on your effort and your findings," the professor said. He had missed something important. 

     "What did I miss?" Draco whispered to Potter. 

     "She paired us up based on our seats so you're stuck with me," Potter whispered. "We have to look up old wizarding bonding rituals and compare them to muggle traditions."

     "Oh, that's easy enough. When is it due? I prefer to get classwork finished quickly."

     "We turn it in next week. Right before Christmas break," Potter said. 

     They met in the library after dinner. Draco wanted to get started before Granger got the good books. He should have known he'd never beat Granger to the library. She was already lost in several large tomes when they arrived. 

     Draco pulled a few other books and sat next to Potter who had joined Granger. He considered complaining, but realised that this way he'd have access to her books and possibly her notes. "Potter, how about you start making a list of basic, muggle marriage traditions," Draco started. 

     "Harry," Potter whispered. "My name is Harry. Just Harry."

     Draco gave him a half smile, "Alright, Harry. You do the muggle list. I'll do the wizarding traditions and then we can compare notes to see what's similar to start our report."

     After a little more than an hour, Granger looked up with a question on her face. "Out with it, Granger," Draco said. "You look like something's bothering you."

     "I don't quite understand some of these spells. Is it really possible to marry someone against their will," she huffed. "That's awful."

     "I've heard of it, but most of those are really old," Draco shrugged. "From back when arranged marriages happened more often. Most of the newer ones require that the two parties at least be compatible."

     "Compatible how," Granger asked, genuinely curious. She had her quill ready to take notes. 

     "Some require similar familial backgrounds. Such as blood purity or an old familial lineage. Some simply require that you be magically compatible." Draco flipped through the book she had been reading. "This one will bond a couple as long as their magic is willing."

     Weasley arrived as Draco was explaining the spell. There were entirely too many Gryffindors in Draco's space at the moment. Granger was using her finger to trace the wand movement in the air and muttering the bonding spell. "The movement is quite lovely," she mused. She muttered the spell again moving her hand. 

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