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Seungjin fell asleep while hugging Hyunjin.

"Jinnie....place him on the bed..."

Hyunjin placed Seungjin on the bed and patted to his soft cheeks.

"He's cute.....like you Seungmin...."
Seungmin blushed with Hyunjin's comment.

"Awww are you blushing Minnie....??"
Hyunjin smirked and back hugged Seungmin.

"Hyunjinie....w-hat are you doing...?? Let me go....."
Seungmin whined.

"I'm hugging you...."
Hyunjin placed his head on Seungmin's shoulder.

"Hey....now go and take a shower....you're stinky....."
Seungmin laughed.

"W-What...?? Stinky..??"

"Here....put these clothes....they are bit bigger to me....it'll fit on you..."
Seungmin lend a baggy t-shirt and a sweet pants to Hyunjin.

"Ookay...baby...I'll be back soon...."
Hyunjin winked and left leaving a blushing Seungmin in the bedroom.


Seungmin shouted from the down.

"Hyunjinie...you have to sleep here for today....because the bed is not fit for three of us...."
Seungmin said while cleaning the sofa.

"Aww noooo....!!! I want to be with you....."
Hyunjin pouted.

Seungmin crossed his arms.

"Ookay...okayy...I'll sleep here..."

"I'll turn on the heater...."
Seungmin turned on the  heater.

"Now sleep well Jinnie...!! If you want something....., I'm in the upstairs...."
Seungmin said while walking to the staircase.



"You are still ignoring me aren't you ...?"
Hyunjin sighed.

"WHAT NO....!!"

"I'm sorry....I know it's not easy to forgive for what I did.....I've caused you pain...,I made you cry..., I hurt you and made you angry.....for that... , I hate myself....I'm deeply sorry.....I acted like a coward....."
Tears falling down from his eyes.

"Jinnie.....I already forgave you for what you did....?? Now don't tell stupid stuffs...."

"But Seu-"

Seungmin pecked on Hyunjin's lips.
Hyunjin was shocked by Seungmin's sudden action. He stared at Seungmin for a while before attacking his lips again for a hungry kiss.

Hyunjin wrapped his arms around Seungmin's waist and Seungmin around Hyunjin's neck.

Seungmin said through the kiss.

Hyunjin smiled and pushed Seungmin  on the sofa and got on him.

"W-what are y-
Hyunjin again attached thier lips and he bit Seungmin's lower lip for asking permission to enter his tongue.

Seungmin opened his lips and Hyunjin's tongue started to explore inside Seungmin's mouth.

Their tongues played with each other for a while when Seungmin felt Hyunjin's hand under his hoodie.

Hyunjin started leaving kisses on Seungmin's jaw lines and then neck while playing with Seungmin's niples.

Seungmin moaned with the pleasure.

Seungmin's eyes widen when Hyunjin bit his neck.

"Nooo......don't Hyunjin......don't leave marks....!! Seungjin will see them....!!"
Seungmin said while pushing Hyunjin from his body.

"I'm sorry I forgot......"
Hyunjin said while scratching his neck.

Seungmin chuckled.
"Now come....let's sleep.....I know you are tired....."
Seungmin said pushing Hyunjin to the sofa and hugging him tightly.

"Oookay.....Minnie....then let's continue tommorow....."

"Sleep now idiot...!!"
Seungmin said while hitting Hyunjin playfully.


This story is going to end soon.....

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