Chapter One: The Transfer

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(Authors Note) I own none of the characters. All characters belong to Cassandra Clare. But the Storyline is all mine.

Clary's POV:

I wake up to the sound of my brother, Jonathan, pounding on my door. "Come on Clary! Wake up! Mom needs to speak to me, you, and Jace as soon as possible. She says it's urgent." I regretfully open my eyes and drag myself out of bed and into the shower.

After I finish my shower I get dressed in my combat boots, black leggings, navy-green t-shirt, and a leather jacket. I dry my red curls out and leave my hair down for the day. I grab my stele and head downstairs to see what is so urgent.

As I reach the dining hall, my whole family was sitting around one table. I walk over to them and I see their expressions change. My brothers looked very serious as I got closer. As I sat down, my brothers shot me a worried look. "What's going on? Why is everyone so serious?" I asked my parents. "Clary, you and your brothers are being transferred to New York. There has been a big rise in demon activity lately and so they're sending the best Shadowhunter team to help with the problem. You and your brothers." My mom said. The smile on my face grew wide. "We're the best Shadowhunter team?" I asked with such excitement. My brothers smiled when they saw how excited I was. "Yes! I'm so proud of you, all of you. To know that my children are the best Shadowhunter fighting team, it is such an honor. I just knew you would all do great things, and now look at you, being sent to help in the most demon-infested city in the world. I couldn't be prouder." my Father said, beaming from ear to ear. "Thanks, Dad!" My brothers and I said in unison.

A few moments later Consul Panhallow came up to us. "Jocelyn, Valentine, I presume you told your children about the transfer." Consul Penhallow said, looking at the three of us. "Yes Consul." my Father said. "Good. They will be leaving in the morning. The Lightwoods will be there to greet them. " Consul Penhallow explained. "Will Izzy be there?" I asked. Izzy and I have been friends since we were toddlers. Her parents are separated. She and her mother used to live here in Alicante but they moved away from here a while ago. Her father and brothers live in Los Angeles. "Yes, Isabelle is living in New York with her brother, Alec. Her mother was transferred this morning to the Miami Institute. Her brother, Alec, is head of the New York Institute." The Consul told me. "I can't wait! It's been so long since I've seen Izzy! And, I also get to meet one of her brothers now too. Thank you, Jia!" "You're welcome, Clary. I'm glad you're happy. The three of you, take the day off and pack your things. You will be greatly missed here in Alicante but I believe you all will accomplish great things in New York." "Thank you, Jia. It means a lot." Jace said. "Jia, is it possible for Aline to be transferred too? Things have been really good between us lately and I want it to stay that way." Jonathan asked. I wonder if I could ever get a boyfriend that would move across the world just to be with me like Aline would do for Jon. "Aline asked me the same thing this morning after I told her about the transfer. I sent a fire message to the Inquisitor and she said she would fill out the paperwork required for the transfer and send it to me. It should be here within the hour. So, yes, Aline can go to New York with you. But only if she can join your team." Jia replied. The smile on Jon's face was so bright. I've never seen him so happy. "Thank you, Jia. Thank you so much!" Jon replied excitedly. "Of course Jonathan! Anything to make my daughter happy. I think you should be the one to tell her, Jon. She would like to hear it from you." Jia said smiling. Jon got up from the table and rushed out of the dining hall, not giving us a second look. "I love seeing him this happy," Jace said, smiling almost as hard as me and Jon. "If it's alright with you, I would like to start packing," I asked, looking at my Mother and Father. "Of course Clary! We were worried that you'd be upset about this, but we are glad you're happy." My Mother said looking at my Father. "Why don't I help you? Then, after we get your stuff packed, we can work on packing up my room." Jace suggested. "I think that's a great idea!" I replied. We both got up from the table and headed toward the direction of my room.

With Jace's help, we got my stuff all packed up in about an hour. We decided to head to the kitchen for a snack before we started work on Jace's room. As we arrived in the kitchen, we found Jon and Aline. They were eating pizza and offered us some. We soon finished the whole pizza and started chatting about how excited we were about going to New York. "I'm so excited to join your team!" Aline said, smiling brightly. "Our team, Aline, you were always part of our team. Even if you didn't know it." I told her. After we finished our conversation, we had to get back to work. Aline and Jon helped with Jace's room and we got it done in half the time it took to pack up my room. We then helped Jon and Aline pack up their stuff too.

By the time we had everything packed away and ready to go, it was only noon so we decided to train for the rest of the day. I grabbed my Twin Blades, Jace got his Saraph Blade, Jon got his crossbow, Aline got her daggers and we headed off toward the training room. Once we got there Jace and I started going hand-hand with our blades while Aline was throwing daggers at a dummy and Jon started shooting targets. Jace and I started battling and I soon got a cut in. Jace pulled out his Stele and used his healing rune. No more than five seconds later, Jace was charging at me. He managed to cut me deep in the stomach. I started to fall but Jace caught me. He pulled out his Stele and healed my wound. "Sorry. I didn't mean to cut you that deep," He said. I could hear the regret in his voice. "It's ok. I'm fine. It was only an accident." I said in a calming voice. "Are you sure?" he asked. "Yes. Jace, I'm fine, I swear." "Ok. Shall we go again?" Jace asked, looking smug as usual. "You bet," I said. We kept training for the next three hours. By the time we were done, it was about four o'clock. We went up to our rooms to shower before deciding to meet in the library before dinner.

After I got finished showering, I put on some black leggings, a dark blue t-shirt and some black heels. I dried my hair and let my red curls flow down my shoulders. I arrived in the library to find Jon, Jace, and Aline already there and waiting for me. We talked about how different things would be once we arrived in New York and about my friendship with Izzy and how we met. I told them all about Izzy and said how I thought she would make a great addition to the team. Everyone was excited about the new adventure that awaited us tomorrow.

A little while later, it was time for dinner. We left the library and headed to the dining hall. We joined our parents at the table and told them about what we did all day. They said they were proud of everything we accomplished and how they would miss us dearly but how they were so proud of how hard we worked to get this far. We talked about everything we hoped to accomplish while in New York and my parents told us about how they know the leader of the New York Pack, Lucian Graymark, or known in the mundane world as Luke Garroway. They told us all about him over dinner.

After dinner, the rest of the evening went by fast. I went back to the library and read a book for about an hour. I then met up with Aline again and we talked for a while. "Aline, thank you for always being there for me and for being my best friend. It means so much to me that you've always been there for me." Aline gave me a hug and told me "Of course Clary. You mean the world to me. I will always be here for you, no matter what," After that, we just sat and talked about how things were going between Jon and Aline and about New York. Soon it was eleven o'clock and we headed off to bed.

I woke up the next morning with a buzz of excitement. I got out of bed and got in the shower. Afterward, I got dressed in some jeans, a shoulderless long-sleeved black shirt, and my combat boots. I left my hair down, grabbed my Stele and headed downstairs, ready for the new adventure that awaited me and the others.

I went to the library to find everyone waiting for me. "Are you ready to go?" Jia asked me. "Of course, Jia!" I replied. I could hear the excitement in my voice. "Open the portal little sis," Jon said. I took out my Stele and drew the Portal Rune. Soon, the rune turned into a portal. "Goodbye, Mom. Goodbye, Dad." I said to my parents. "Goodbye." My brothers said together. "Goodbye, Mom," Aline said to Jia. "Goodbye." They all said. And with that, we all went through the portal. 

Once we passed through the portal, we came out in front of the New York Institute. I took in the beautiful view. "Come on. Let's go get settled in." Jon said, coming up behind me. "Ok, Jon," I said and started walking up the stairs to the front door. I was about to pull out my Stele when the door opened. The boy who opened it had jet-black hair, deep brown eyes, and was very tall. His eyes locked with mine. "You must be Clary." He said to me. "I'm Alec. Welcome to the New York Institute." This is Isabelle's brother. He is more handsome than I could've imagined. I thought. "Thanks. This is Jon, Jace, and Aline." I told him, pointing at each of them.  "Please come in. I'll show you to your rooms. Then, after you get settled away, I'll give you a tour of the Institute." "Thanks. That would be great!" I said, still staring at Alec. And with that, we all followed Alec inside.

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