Chapter Three: The Blood Awakens

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(Authors Note) I own none of the characters. All characters belong to Cassandra Clare. But the storyline is all mine.

Alec's POV:

As Magnus explained how he knew Clary, I saw her keep getting paler and paler. She looked like she was going to be sick. Once Magnus finished explaining, I looked back at Clary, concerned. That's when she collapsed. Jace rushed over to her and caught her, faster then he should have been able to, even with a speed rune he shouldn't have been that fast. "Clary!" I yelled rushing to her side, with Magnus following close behind. "What happened to her!" Jonathan asked, with concern in his voice, concern for his sister. "I don't know. Maybe stress. I'll keep an eye on her." Magnus said, looking as if he knew exactly what was wrong with the girl. "Will she be ok?" Aline and Isabelle asked together. "She should be fine. I'll keep monitoring her for a few days but she should be ok once she wakes up," Magnus said. He isn't telling us something, I know it. "Isabelle, you finish showing our guests around while Magnus and I take Clary to her room. We need to keep a close eye on her until she wakes up." I said to Isabelle, but not as her brother, as her boss. "Yes, Alec," Izzy said with regret in her voice. "I'm sorry, Alec, but I'm not handing off my sister to you," Jace said. There was determination in his eyes. "Jace, I can assure you your sister is in good hands with me and Magnus," I said, trying to reassure him. "It's not that I don't trust you, it's just... I'm her older brother and I feel like it's my job to protect her, and I feel like I'm failing." Jace said, trying to hold back the tears that were trying so desperately to escape. "You should get some rest. It's been a long day, having to ride from Alicante, it must have been a long drive-" Jonathan cut me off. "We didn't drive, we took a portal." "Where did you get a portal? I thought no warlocks lived in Alicante." I asked, confused. "There are no warlocks in Alicante. Clary has the power to create runes, because of her pure angles blood and she came up with a portal rune." Aline said, looking like it was no big deal. "We can discuss Clary's amazing abilities later. Right now we need to get her to her room so I can examine her and make sure she is ok." Magnus said, sounding a little annoyed. I picked up Clary out of Jace's arms. "Please take care of my sister, Alec," Jace said looking worried that something might happen to her. "Of course, Jace."

With Clary in my arms, Magnus and I walked down the corridor leading to Clary's room. I walked over to the bed and gently laid her down. Magnus walked in and used his magic to examine Clary. "That's not good," Magnus said once done the examination. "What's not good? What's wrong?" I asked, worried. "Clary passed out because of stress. But there's a bigger problem here." "What is the bigger problem?" "You remember how I said I helped Clary with a blood problem." "Yeah." "Well, it's back. And worse by the looks of it." My heart sank. I don't know why, but it did. "Will she be ok?" Is all I could manage to say. "It will be intense, but I will be here to help as I did the last time," Magnus said, reassuringly. I pulled up an armchair next to Clary's bed. Magnus came over and gave me a kiss before saying, "I can't do anything for her while she is unconscious. I'll have to wait for her to wake up." Magnus said, his voice soft. "I'll stay and sit with her until she wakes up," I said to Magnus, clearly showing it was time for him to leave. "Ok, Alec. Let me know if she wakes up or if anything else happens." "Of course. I love you." "I love you too, Alec, "Magnus said before leaving.

4 Days later...

I've been sat here by Clary's side for 4 days now. Her brothers, Aline and Izzy all came to check up on her, but it was too much for them to bare. "Why did this happen to you? You don't deserve this! It's not fair!" Each word brought me closer to breaking down. Hot tears stung at my eyes. "Please, just wake up! Please, Clary... I don't know what I'd do if you didn't." I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. Tears started streaming down my cheeks. I took Clary's hand in mine. "How could I let this happen? This is all my fault, I know it. Please, Clary... Come back to me... Please..." "Alec... What happened...?" Clary said hoarsely. I looked up. I thought I  must have been hearing things. But I wasn't. Clary was awake. "Clary!" I got up out of the chair and hugged her. "You're awake! Thank the Angel, you're awake!" I let go of Clary and starred at her. "Alec, are you ok?" I wiped my tears away. "I am now." I gave Clary another hug. "I want to talk to you later. But right now I need to go get Magnus." "Ok." I got up and rushed out of the room. I found Magnus in the kitchen. "Alec, why are you in such a hurry?" "Clary's awake!" Almost as soon as the words left my mouth, a loud scream echoed throughout the Institute. I knew right away it was Clary, and by the look on Magnus's face, he knew it too. Magnus and I started rushing back toward Clary's room.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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