Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Death and Tutorials go hand in hand?
[note: hey! A lot,if not, all, of the author notes that are written here are by the author Lelin him/herself]
A/N: Hey, sorry for being absent for so long, it's just that my PC got messed up and I had to use a new one, which is a pain because I cant use Ctrl commands with it cause it's a bloody mac and i'm using a Windows keyboard, and changingthe keys would work either.

Anyway's since i no longer have the files for the other stories, they will either be on hiatus or discontinued all together (depending if the files can be recovered from the busted PC), and as such, let's put this in their place!

(First time attempting to write anything about the Fate Series so please bare with me if I mess something up.)

Chapter 1: Death and Tutorials go hand in hand, apparently...

So, have you never died due to a drunk asshole driving past the speed limit and ramming right into you?

Doubt it, cause people... human's aren't to remember previous lives...

But I'd think I stopped being human long ago...

It started simple, I was having a pleasant walk through the central part of town, it was a quiet day and there weren't alot of cars out, I was a young girl with long blonde hair, and I was walking with a bag of groceries.

I was listening to music with headphones, so I couldn't here the Human's as they tried to yell at me while pointing behind me...

It was too late, the moment I turned to see what they were pointing at, I caught a Glimpse of the truck rushing at me and I was already dead on my feet... well, Dead about five meters in the air and smashed into a brick wall.

P.O.V: 3rd Person

In a Dark Void, a woman with long blue hair and purple eyes that seemed to glow was messing around with a Game console, trying to figure out how to play this game called 'Final Fantasy XV' since it seemed fun.

Just then a Blonde girl appeared in the void out of no where and looked around and laid eyes on the Bluenette woman tangled in a bunch of cords for a game console and a TV.

"You uh... need help?" she asked her, causing the Bluenette to violently turn towards her, she looks down before blushing, "Yes please..."

After about five minutes the Bluenette was playing the game and currently stabbing some scorpions to complete the first quest, the two in the void just chilled on the couch.

"So... where am I?" The blonde decided to ask while looking around, she couldn't spot anything other then the tv, console, couch and this woman.

"Ah, sorry, I got a bit caught up in this, allowing me to welcome you to the Void between worlds." She stares at the Bluenette before shrugging and eating some Pocky she got (from somewhere).

"Huh, so Void between worlds... what can be done in this place?" she asked, "Not a whole lot, I'm meant to send you to another world, but I'll be honest..."

"It's very lonely here..." The Blonde nods in understanding, it did seem pretty boring here.

"Hm... could you send me to this new world but somehow keep me connected here? so we can talk and hang out?" The Bluenette thinks for a moment before smiling and agreeing.

"Sure, I can do that, it may be painful though..." The Blonde just shrugs before an overwhelming pain covers her body.

After a couple minutes she is able to stand and see's something in front of her, it seemed to be a text box.

You've gained the Title [Ally of The Void].

Due to a Mixing of power, You've unlocked [The Gamer]

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