Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: The Quest Begins

A/N: Nothing of interest here.

Demonic Urd: Jeanne portrays herself as a 'Jack of all trades but master of none' kind of person, but her real self is shown to the public in this chapter.

PasiveNox: Thx

ALTER-BOT: Grindings basically over for now, now its focusing on the Quest she got from chapter 5.

ALTER-BOT (2): The Altereactor is an actual thing in the Fate universe that a character can store an infinite amount of mana within, but only from calories the holder eats.

To quote the Wiki: The prana converter reactor - Altereactor (オルトリアクター, Orutoriakutā?) - converts calories into magical energy by using the Alternium crystals concealed inside her body as catalysts.

The character with this also has the Infinie Chocolate, which is a poke at the Infinite Gauntlet and grants 'infinite power', but I didn't want to have the mc be too powerful.

Anyways, onto the chapter!

Last time on Fate of a Gamer
Namely a bunch of Metal wire, the Scorched Iron she needed, plus some extra along with all materials needed to create some swords, since she needed to start forging her own as the ones she got from dungeons were kind of useless unless she used them as projectiles.

She had the objects needed for the Broken Bow now, just needed to get the MP and Alteration high enough to craft it now, she look around some more and found some blueprints, some of which she'll be using for that plan of hers.

She smiles, she'd train Alteration while at home and then make the bow when she could.

It was a productive day.

Chapter 9: The Quest Begins

It had been a couple of months since then, and Jeanne had made sure to to alot of training and levelling, training in terms of maxing out all her skills best she could, and levelling up to level 95, which got her a perk point she used to force level Unlimited Void World to the point where she learnt the first two lines of the Aria.

Name: Jeanne Skylark
Level: 95 (76,000/95,000 EXP to next level)
Title: [Ally of The Void] - Permanent, [Wielder of Cross-Calibur] - Permanent
Race: Human (French/Australian)/Demi-Servant (Caster/Avenger)

HP: 12,000/12,000
HPR: 12,500 HP/m
MP: 5,180/5,180
MPR: 2,750 MP/m

Magic Circuit: 370 (A Rank)

Affinities: Sword, Energy
Origins: Sword, Energy

STR: 250 (D rank)
END: 250 (D Rank)
AGI: 350 (C Rank)
MANA: 275 (D Rank)
LUK: 100 (E Rank)

N.P: 72

Points: 0
Money: $2,501,362.00

Her stats were pretty good for about 7 months of work, and most of her skills were either maxed out or getting close to it, she needed to get some new skills some time soon, but now she could go through with her plan at the least.

She made sure all of her items she'd needed after her plan went through, and she made sure to learn three different languages just in case, namely French, Japanese, and Russian, for the fact that she may not be able to stay in Australia and wanted viable places to go to.

she sighs before she goes out and prepares for her plan, she readied her Broken Bow and aimed it at her target.

"The assault begins now..." she equips specialised armour that is made to hide her appearance while also looking like that of a queen's armour for battle, just to add on more she equipped a black crown.

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