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Hyunjin twirled his americano cup on the table, the time was 4:37 p.m. and Hyunjin was exhausted, his parents had texted him saying they wanted to talk to him, but didn't specify what.

Hyunjin lifted the plastic cup, keeping an eye on his phone as he waited for a notification from his parents, hopefully, an answer to what they wanted to tell him. His phone lit up, the word appa in bright bol lettering showing before turning into a call, which Hyunjin quickly answered.

"Appa?" he asked, tapping his foot against the tile of the cafe.

"Hey, son," His dad said, "Your mother and I decided that it is time for you to move out."

Move out? Get a roommate?

"Alright..." Hyunjin said, he knew it was about time he actually moved out from his parent's place, he was 20 and still with his parents, pathetic honestly. "When do I need to be out?" He asked.

"By the end of the month, though we already bought an apartment close to your college." Oh, so they had been planning it out before actually telling him. "We paid the lease for six months, then after that, you'll have to pay the rent."

"Okay appa, one question though."

"Yeah son?"

"Do I have to have a roommate?" He asked.

"Yeah, though you don't have to worry about that." His dad said, "We'll find someone."

Hyunjin inhales deeply, he didn't want a roommate, though what his parents said, he did. No expectations.

"Okay, I'll be home in an hour to start packing then." Hyunjin sighed, picking up his bag and coffee.

"I'll see you later." Then the line went blank, the cafe doors opened, revealing a laughing Jisung with his arm around Minho's shoulder. The two sat down at a booth on the other side of the cafe as Hyunjin.

"Time to go." Hyunjin mumbled, walking as fast as he could to the door, making eye contact with Jisung, who mouthed, 'asshole.' to Hyunjin.

"Fuck off." Hyunjin said he could hear Minho sigh loudly, looking at Hyunjin, "What? He started it." Hyunjin said, to which Minho turned to Jisung.

"What?" Jisung asked.

"You two can't just get along?" Minho asked, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"No." They both said at the same time, glaring at each other.

"Bye Hyung," Hyunjin said, leaving the cafe before anything else could happen.


"Why do you guys hate each other so much?" Minho asked Jisung shrugged, "Seriously, this is getting to be a problem, you can't even go a single dance practice without fighting."

At this Jisung felt guilty, looking down, "Sorry." He said.

"Sung, sorry doesn't cut it." Minho said, "You two always fight and I want to know why."

"You don't see it?" Jisung asked, "He's always showing off how rich he is, mommy and daddy's perfect little boy." Jisung said. "How can I not, he has everything, and just because he has the 'pretty face' means he gets whatever he wants."

"So? If you hated him so much, then why don't you just avoid him." Minho sighed, Jisung could tell the older was tired of their bickering. "It is like our arguments, but you two take it to a whole new level."

"Seriously?" Jisung asked, "Hyung, that is different."

"I know, but you two fight over the smallest things."

"So do we." Jisung pointed out, taking out his phone.

"What are you doing?" Minho asked, tilting his head.

"Looking at apartments." Jisung said, "We both have been arguing and I don't want our friendship to ruin because of our rooming assignments."

"Oh." Minho said, "I can help you if you want, I have been meaning to talk to you about that as well."

"Minho, we both knew that being roommates wouldn't work out," Jisung said.

"I know, but I found this apartment today when I was looking during my home ec." Minho said, taking out his own phone, "I've been looking into it and there is a room available."

"What is the exception?" Jisung asked, most rooms always had one, like moving in with a stranger, or there is something wrong with the person who last lived there.

"Actually, nothing weird like usual," Minho said, handing Jisung his phone, "They are looking for a roommate who goes to Seoul Uni as a roommate, we go to Seoul Uni, and pays half the rent after six months."

"So freeboard for six months?" Jisung asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Apparently, so what do you say?"

"I'll take it." Jisung said, "What is the contact number?"

"I'll send it to you, hold on." Minho took his phone back, not ten seconds later, Jisung's phone dinged with a message.


> Minho

--> XXX-XXX-XXXX (4:47 p.m.)

"Thanks." Jisung said, clicking on the number, "I'll give them a call."

"Right now?"

"If I don't then I might regret it." Jisung said, "Rooms like these don't last long."

"True, very true," Minho said.

Jisung smiled, clicking the call button.

"Hello, this is Hwang." Jisung was immediately taken aback, he was expecting someone who sounded... younger?

"Um, hello." Jisung said, "I saw the offer for a roommate?" He asked.

"Oh! Yes, it was about time my son moved out so we decided it was best for him to have a roommate as well." Hwang said.

"Okay." Jisung said, "Is there a form I need to fill out?" He asked.

"You can just tell me right now, and I can take it from there," Hwang replied. "I need your name, age, school, and current address."

"Alright, my name is Han Jisung, I'm 20 years old." Jisung started, "I go to Seoul Uni and I currently live in Mito Complex, room 313." He said, "Anything else?"

"Nope, that is it." Hwang said, "My son is moving in this month, so it should be ready in about 10 days."

"Okay, thank you," Jisung said, he was honestly surprised at how easy the call went.

"That seemed to go a lot smoother than normal," Minho noted.

"Yeah, almost makes me worried," Jisung said.


chapters with both hyunjin and jisung as the chapter pic will have the following included in the ending a/n:



archive of our own:


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