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When I saw the client name"BTS", I literally yelled at Edward.

He was clueless, I can't totally blame him for not able to interpret why I'm behaving like this. Because he din't know that, the one thing I kept on feared might happen,has finally happened to me.

"Hey chill baby..what happened?", He asked me in a concern tone.

"I'm not doing this mission...I decline!", I said firmly.

Edward sighed.

"Till when you are gonna avoid going to south korea?..hey I'm sending you to south korea not to north korea!!!", His voice clearly changed from concern to irritation.

"See I don't really want to do this mission okay? We have George who is same level as me..let him take over this..",I said looking at the file.

"Ah you don't understand,do you?.See, before we agreed to the people from that entertainment's arrival, their CEO talked with me through a Phone call, explaining about his requests and I happened to tell him that , there are 2 agent fits your requirements.One is a guy another one is a woman.I said I'll sent the guy,but he told me that he wants a woman because the threateners will be tricked as they won't think that their entertainment will let a woman be the personal body guard of a boy band with 7 grown men.

"So what?,just tell them to contact another agency", now I'm getting irritated.

"You know our policy when the client requirements are ethical we won't decline them...and you forgot your promise you made to this Agency before 2 years", when Edward finished his sentence my breath caught in my throat.

"Do you still remember That", he asked directly looking into my eyes.

Flash back:

2 years ago..

"Hey Sara, Mr.Edward call you to his office", Joy my batchmate ,yelled from other side of base cafeteria.

"Jeezz..this old man",I thought I got from my lunch and headed to his office.

When I walked inside his room he was sitting at his office desk and carefully looking at a file.

When he heard me walking towards him he looked up from the file and forced a weak smile at me.

Yes I got it ..some bad news..if he smiled like this mean something bad has happened.

"Any bad news??...", I asked him hesitatingly.

"Hmm...Dev... he died during his mission..he was shot dead..but he complete his mission by saving the client at a right time", when he completed, I slided on the floor in shock.

Edward came running to me and held my shoulder so I won't fallen any further.

"It's lie right?.. please tell this is all damn he is alright I'm going to see him.. leave me!! I'm going to see him..leave me!!! I want to see him..",I screamed and cried in Edwards arms.

Edward arm tighten around me and hugged me..

Leaning on Edward's shoulder "I should have went to that mission..I shouldn't have let him take over for me..I killed him..I murdered my friend who is like a brother to me",I cried yelled at myself.

" didn't do anything wrong..even while his last breath he told his comrades that he thanked you for believing in him",he said in a low voice.

It made me broke down more..I cried a whole day think about our moments together where I beat him blue black during combat training.

He was my junior who came after me by 1 he was an indian and also from Tamilnadu which brought us together..he always tags along with me..When ever he calls me "Akka(younger people address their older sister)"..I really feel like he is my own brother.

It was my fault..when I denied a mission to guard the princess of china because of my mood swing..he took that as he always cared that my points may go down if i decline this mission.

So he took that..even though he is a fresher he was 1 step ahead than his co trainees in ever aspects, so I approved him to go on in this mission, inspite of Edward disapproval.

But my silly reason lead him to his end..

I didn't dare to look at his dead body when it arrived to our base for a final goodbye, before handing over to his parents..

I stood there beside his coffin lifelessly..

It took me weeks to get over from this traumatic event..

Till this time everyone took care of me.Virshti slept together with me when ever I broke down in midnight she held me and helped me to sleep again.

George took me around to lot of places and talked alot to me which is not his type of behavior, but did everything for it helped me to forget the incident somehow.

After some days when I was sitting alone on the bench at the resting area of our base..

Edward came sat next to me on the bench..

I didn't noticed him till he put his hand over my hand.I didn't dare to look at him.. Actually I didn't dare to look at anyone..I was ashamed of myself.

"Sara look at me",he turned me towards him and forced me look at him.

Tears started to roll from my eyes.

"Stop this..don't cry anymore.. whatever happened is have to let it go..",he said.

"Did you find who killed him?",I asked him.

"I can't find the particular person but I found which killer organization done this",he said in a deep voice.


"Black dragon killer organization...",he said.

Yes it was the organization which is always a headache for ever Secret Agent agencies.

They have powerful assassin ever Agency is chasing them.

"Don't give me any missions for 1 month..I'm gonna make ever stray dog of that shitty organization pay for my brothers death",I stood up and started to walk.

Edward can't do anything but watch me walk away with anger building inside me.

I left the base with determination,that I make everyone pay for his death.

SAVE ME | BTS Fanfic {COMPLETED}✅Where stories live. Discover now