Chapter 6: When I Was Your Man

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Gray's POV

I give up, I've been seaarching for Juvia again, but Lyon beat me up out of the power of feelings. Stupid power of feelings! you just had to exist in life! I wish, I wish Juvia would just forgive me and come back. The guilds about to start a war on Lamia Scale.

I'm such an idiot, I could've gotten the chance to get Juvia, but my pride was higher than love, idiot. Now the guild will have a war, the council will give papers to Gramps, and Lamia will get beat up. Juvia, I miss you, now I won't admit it to anyone, no one, but only to you.

Every night I dream she's still here, then when I awake she'll disappear, ever slightly out of reach. I'm a dumb idiot, I wasted a big chance that could be easily won by me, but no I was so dumb that I didn't even realise my true feelings for her. Even Erza gave me an opportunity, by showing how she loves me really much.

I walked under the snow to the park, as I walked I had a sad face glued to me, but i also saw something that i never thought I would see, I saw Juvia and Lyon walking together, and Lyon has his arm wrapped around her shoulders. I then shook my head and sat at a bench.

I was trully heartbroken more at the sight of it, but hey, atleast Lyon gives his time to her, he cares for her. Unlike the jerk I am. I pushed her away from me instead of staying by her side. I know I can't apologise at a time like this, I should've just opened my arms and accepted her, but she's with someone else. I made a big mistake, but I hope she'll be happy with him.

I looked up to the snowy sky and stared at it. If life did this to me then it had a reason. But what is the reason? should I take her back? or is it showing that I should take signs? Honestly, I'm lost.

I can't think straight, it's like I'm in a void, I just walk somewhere and didn't even bother the signs, and ended up the wrong pth. But hey, maybe I'll go to the right part of the void, and get my mind off crazy thngs.

But everyone surely knows, that when a person get's lost, they just have to travel North, or follow the star. But my situation is different, there's no star, and the directions could be endless. I'm seriously lost now.

I stared up into the sky and thought about everything in my life, I simply lost everything now.

Juvias POV

I was walking with Lyon-sama, with his hand wrapped around me and we were laughing, but when i looked over my shoulder, I saw Gray-sama looking up into the snowy sky, in deep thougtht.

"Juvia, you okay?" Lyon-sama asked me

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine, let's visit that store" i said pointing at a cake shop, while changing the subject.

Gray's POV

Just now, I felt someone stare and give me a sad look. I lowered my head and looked aroumd. No one's staring, and Juvia n' Lyon are in a shop, so I don't think it's them.

I lost a lot of people I hold dearly, I lost mom, Ur, Ultear, and dad.

I wish Ultear could turn back the hands of the clock, but she's gone, and I've lost too much, so I'll just give Lyon my support, and I'm done sulking like it's a stupid drama show.

My heart hurts. I admit, I lost her. I admit, I'm an idiot. I admit, I shouldn't have said those word. I admit, I'll trust Juvia to Lyon. I admit, I Love Her.

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