chapter 53

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It's 12:50 and I feel a lot better. "ready to go?" Ace asked me. I nodded and inter winded our hands together. "where are we going?" I asked Ace. "to Vicky's" he answered me and put a hand on my thigh. I smiled and put my hand over his making him smile.

We arrived at the restaurant and ordered everything like last time. But the difference between last time and today is, that the waitress that was flirting with Ace wasn't here so, hallelujah.

While we were eating I decided to ask them "so what are we going to do today?". "About that." Car stopped and got 6 sticky notes and 6 pens out of her bag. I raised an eyebrow. "so everyone take a paper and a pen and write an event you want to do today" she ordered. Every one of us did as ordered. I wrote the aquarium. Don't judge me, I like animals and besides, I didn't go to the aquarium here, in New York.

"so every place or everything that is written here we are going to go and do" Car said. "now let's take a look" Car began shuffling through the papers. "read them out loud," Nic said. Car began laughing. "what?" Nic asked her. "I ca-can't read th- them, they're hilarious, it's like," Car said laughing her ass out. Nic took the papers and began to read. "skateboarding, shout game, chapstick challenge, aquarium" she stopped and everyone looked at me "what? Why are you all looking at me?" "seriously. Aquarium?" Nic asked and tossed the paper. "hey" I said. "I wanna go to the aquarium." I said pouting. "no" all of them said excluding Ace. "I'm gonna take you to the aquarium," he said smiling at me. I hugged him and gave him a peck on the lips. Nic continued to read the papers "strip poker and truth or dare" she finished. "so first off we're going to skateboard" Car said and all of us went to their cars and we drove off.

I really like skateboarding, it was my transportation in middle school. We exit our cars and walked a few seconds till we find this amazing huge skatepark. It was colorful, full of highs and lows. "that's awesome" I said looking at the park. "so who chose this place?" Car asked. "me," Liam said. "I don't know how to ride it," Car said. "and neither do I," Nic said. "we're gonna teach you," the boys said. Meanwhile, they were talking Ace and I were hugging and looking at the park.

"so here are the skateboards, we rent them for 30 minutes," Max said and handed each one of us a skateboard. I analyzed the skateboard for a few seconds and was ready to hit it. "so how do we begin? So since there are three of us girls don't know how to skateboard you three boys have to teach us" Carter said pointing at us than them. "I can skateboard," I said and took the skateboard and rode it. It makes you feel kind of free, and that you can do whatever you want. I made a twirl and skated where the guys were. All of them looked at me in disbelief. Ace came and hugged me and said "that was awesome" and seemed really happy about it.

Ace and I were sitting next to our stuff were talking, while the guys were teaching the girls how to skate.

"now next up which house are we going to?" Nic asked and then responded to her own question. "oh yeah Ace's" all of us laughed.

We were at Ace house. Max and Carter went to get some stuff from a place they didn't want to say. I actually don't know why. "what's taking them so long?" Nic asked.

After a couple of minutes, they came and had a couple of bags with them. We sat around a table which had exactly 6 chairs. "so shout game" Car said. "who wrote that?"  "I did," Ace said. "ok enlighten us Ace," Nic said. "so the shouting game has the following rules" Ace stopped "all of us right many sentences as they like. But every sentence has to be written alone in a piece of paper. All the sentences will be put in a cup. And everyone will take one and say it out loud. So try to write the most embracing sentences." Ace said full of excitement.

All of us wrote a minimum of 2 sentences each. The game began and it was hilarious. "your turn Liam" I said and Sierra passed behind me. Liam took a piece of paper and began to read it out loud. "I am gay" he shouted. Sierra came back. "you're gay?" She asked not believing. "and that beautiful girl of yours?" She stopped. "Sierra I'm not gay." "then why did you say that?". "Sierra it's just a game chill," Carter said in a kind of moody voice. "oh ok," Sierra said not liking Carter. When Sierra left the room she mumbled the word 'puta' at Carter. Sierra chuckled and looked back at me. "what did she say?" Ace asked. "oh nothing" I didn't want to tell Carter that Sierra called her a slut, I just couldn't resist laughing. "no she said something like, puta, buta," Carter said. "yeah she said butter, but in an English accent." I said. "ok," she said.

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