⭐chapter two⭐

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the GRAY's only occurs once a week and that day of the week is the only day the dark city could have something else more than darkness.

taehyun inhales and looked at the clouds that surrounds the GRAY's a church between two cities which looks like a half circle and the other part of it is hidden in the ground but its a perfect fit for approximately 1000 people, 500 per cities nothing extra for more nor less which made taehyun wonder, how hysterical people would be if someone suddenly disappeared?

and how recognisable would it seem in the place knowing all those people are afraid of change. he never thought of that before but he shaken this idea in his head and his bracelet tightened against his wrists again so he flick it off his skin.

his mother noticed him and squeezed his arm, they are entering the hallways to go to their results room after the confession before. taehyun stops in front of the door he's going to be in. his mother looked at him "i'll meet you outside after the session." taehyun nodded his head before she left him there alone.

he looked at the door and opened it and is faced with the big window across the room, outside there's nothing new but tasteless clouds. he sat on one of a chair he was on before, once he did so a person entered the room and he didn't look back to see who, the person sat beside him and its the light boy again from before.

"are you alright?" kai asked and he looked back at him. the boy is now wearing a purple shirt with a cartoon design and it looks childish. "you look extra gloomy." kai said to him.

"imagine having the only day to rest from school to attend this nonsense," he answered annoyingly although he know kai is probably just concerned, that's light people but they only asks and never do.

"but days at GRAY's is fun though. unexpected things happens and its exciting."

"they're going to brainwash us till we believe in their own beliefs and make us the image of their imagination."

"i dont understand,"

"you're from light city of course you wouldn't. you think you came here to have friends? good for you but you're going to lose yourself."

kai blinks his eyes before coughing,"w-what is brainwashing us? they only told us to stay together here, i think its to make us interact right? its only going to be the two of us." the results room is supposed to be a progress healing to change from what is confessed. guidance will be given in the room after the 'interaction' with between a teen from light city and another one from dark city.

taehyun's results from yesterday is still unknown taehyun knows there's nothing wrong with him. he's just attracted to the same gender. if they thought prisoning him for 2 hours with a boy from light city who's clumsy and messy will make him stop liking guys, they all could try again and what could he even give to a boy who causes accident? he's just a young teenager too.

taehyun looks at the cloud in front of the window "the cloud is shading us," he said. the cloud hits them and now they're not in light nor darkness, just shade and gray.

kai looked at the window too but immediately goes back staring at him "so how did your week go?"

taehyun sighs but answered "studying math and practicing piano,"

"i can play instruments too!" kai answered enthusiastically even scooting his chair close to him to listen more closely and didn't mind he just ignores and makes pattern at his own desks with his fingers, not interested at all. "i like making music and drumming too! do you ever wanted to be in a band?"

taehyun blinks his eyes and removes his attention on the bland gray desks and looked at kai's brown eyes instead who's waiting for his answer. taehyun never wanted anything before, he just do what he do and what he is told to. "i never thought of it before."

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