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After 2 days  Spyro and Cynder had fully recovered and were trying to plan out there next attack on Avatar, but were stumped. Korbin had also asked to stick around which they graciously accepted since he had helped them and showed he was extremely powerful. However he was also very suspicious as he almost always was around Cynder and Spyro or was nowhere to be found. Spite this he quickly became friends with them,but still knew almost nothing about him a side from his name.

Spyro: Why don't we just table this for now. 

Cynder: Yeah we've been at this for 3 hours and made little to no progress.

Spyro: I wonder where Kor-

Suddenly a black and blue dragon came crashing through the ceiling of the straw hut they whir in.

Spyro: Well that answered my question.

Korbin: Ow, Aaverey fuck you

Brady,Aaverey,Jamie, and Keenan whir all cackling above them in the air.

Spyro: What the hell?

Brady: For the boss bitch.

Korbin: Fuck you and your boss.

Aaverey: Feels good to hit him again.

Korbin: No you electrocuted me mid flight and then kneed me in the back of my head you cunt.

Brady: Yeah and thats even better.

Cynder: Why are you beating up on the guy who helped us?

Korbin: Because their my asshole friends.

Spyro: Wait you guys know him?

Brady: I've known him since elementary.

After that they all began to walk and talk till Korbin out of bordm started shooting small fireballs at rocks and missed one that accidentally burned down a tiny vacant straw hut. Spyro and Cynder both gave Korbin looks that said watch where your aiming and why did you do that.

Brady: Welcome to being Korbin's friend where he will occasionally make dumbass decisions that we either laugh at him for or be confused as to why he did something so stupid and judge him for it.

Korbin: I thought that a charizard was only suppose to spam roost and flamethrower,not talk shit.

Spyro x Cynder conquest of loveWhere stories live. Discover now