Dusty Wings

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With a full stomach and an empty basket, Blake waved goodbye to the sisters and began to make her way home. She took the steps one-by-one. Though she knew she had to head home and continue writing the story she had put off for several days now, part of her wanted to stay longer and talk more with Yang and Ruby. Hearing their tales and voices just filled her with... some sort of feeling. It was more than happiness, but less than ecstasy. Was it because they were the first new friends Blake had made in years? Was it because she was finally initiating some conversations and social interactions as opposed to staying cooped up in her room?

While she did not think these things consciously, her train of though was still broken as she approached the town – a gruff voice called out to her, making her jump.

"Hey, miss, you know where a girl named Yang lives around here?"

Blake turned to see the man, and immediately noticed two things. First, the motorcycle behind him was unlike she had ever seen. It was a tessellation of machinery covered in yellow and orange casings, but it presented itself as more of a piece of art than a vehicle. The second, in stark contrast to the bike, was that the man looked like he desperately needed a shower – and maybe some sleep. The bags under his eyes were nearly as dark as his hair, which shone with what Blake could only assume was grease. He had a five o' clock shadow at three in the afternoon, and a look in his eyes like he never gave a damn in his entire life.

"Yeah, why? Are you looking for her?" Blake said. She prepared herself to run – the man looked like the personification of trouble.

"I'm her uncle and I'm here to deliver her bike. She left it in town after she left," The man said, "She called me a few days back and asked me to bring it."

Blake stared at the man with wide eyes. She couldn't believe that a man who could rival the grim reaper himself in a "dead inside" contest was the uncle of Yang, a girl whose smile was so bright that Blake considered wearing sunglasses to their next meeting.

"She lives just over there," Blake said, pointing to the way she came from, "I was just there for lunch, actually."

"Oh, so you're a friend? That's good to hear." The man pulled a flask from the inside of his coat pocket and took a swig. He didn't look the least bit revitalized, but he sighed nonetheless. "How is she doing? Is she happy?"

"I mean she's smiling and making jokes, so I'd hope so."

A smile broke through onto the man's face. "Well that's certainly progress. I'll catch you later, girlie."

Blake stood aside as the man walked the motorcycle past her and into the forest path, his frail form trying to turn the bike before hitting the fence. He left without a second glance or a wave, leaving Blake both anxious and intrigued. Was he really Yang's uncle? Yang never mentioned a motorcycle, did she? Blake couldn't help but trail the man, leaving her basket just out of sight behind a bush. She watched as he slowly pushed the bike through the dirt, stopping occasionally to take another sip of whatever was in his flask. When he finally reached the house, he put the kickstand of the bike down and sighed.

"You know," He said, "It's not nice to follow people."

Blake's eyes widened. The man hadn't so much as looked back in the entire time she was following him, and she was sure she hadn't made a sound. "I-I'm sorry."

"Nah, you're just concerned for your friend. I getcha," He turned to face Blake, "Also, that would have worked on anybody except me. When you work for the government long enough, you pick up some stuff about people tailing you. Watch this, Yang's never even gonna see you."

As if on cue, Yang burst out of the front door and leapt off the side of the porch. Qrow could hardly turn all the way around before he was trapped in a bear hug, and before Blake could blink, Ruby was right there with them, her arms wrapped around her uncle.

"Uncle Qrow, you're here!" Ruby squealed, "Did you find this place okay?"

"Despite your directions, I made it," Qrow laughed and ruffled Ruby's hair, half as an attempt to push her off – probably to be able to breathe again. "And Yang, how have you been? You feeling any better?"

Yang smiled. "Yeah. I think the fresh air around here helps, and the fact that I don't need to worry about a job or anything gets a lot of stress out of my mind."

The three continued to talk, but walked out of earshot as they approached the steps – which Yang once again avoided. Qrow pointed at the plants, which had just begun to spring out of the ground, and Ruby bounced on her heels. The three entered the house as Blake turned away, comfortable in the fact that there was no stranger here to hurt anybody, just a strange man.

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