Crystal Rain

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With an idea in her mind and confidence in her step, Blake waved goodbye to Penny, who looked to be trying to set up a Jenga tower of books on a shelf. She strode out the front door and felt a spark of... something hit her cheek. Her ears perked up and she looked around, looking for any bugs she may have run into, before another spark hit her in the nose. She looked upwards to see that in the few minutes she had dallied inside the library since her idea, the sky had become cloudier and darker.

"Damn," Blake thought to herself, "I didn't check the weather for today. I can still probably make it to Yang's in time." She hurried her step, and soon she was being pricked by raindrops with every step, then several per step, and before she even made it halfway to her house, rain was pouring down onto her. "Glad I didn't check out any books," she thought to herself.

She broke into a jog, circling around the meticulously kept bushes in front of her house, and pushed the front door open with her entire body weight. She sprawled into the entryway and fell face-first onto the carpet, being overly dramatic – her mom always loved her joking theatrics over the most miniscule things, but when Blake lifted her head up, her parents were nowhere to be found.

"Welp, just got my clothes wrinkled for no reason," Blake muttered. She dusted herself off and closed the door behind her. Entering the living-room-slash-kitchen area they had, Blake noticed something was off – her own phone was on the kitchen table. She'd forgotten to bring it earlier, since she was originally just going to read in her favorite tree, but then she got distracted by Yang, and they went for a walk, and Yang fell in a lake, and Yang invited her for lunch, and – why were all of her thoughts about what Yang was doing?

She shook her head and picked up her phone, noticing she had a voicemail from her parents. She tapped the icon and put the phone to her ear as she began to strip off her soaking clothes.

"Hey Blake, sorry to tell you this over the phone," her mother's voice said, "But the events out of town are taking longer than expected. We apparently need to convince the board to not shut off all power and water to the town, as they say it's not populated enough to keep, to quote, 'throwing money away' for. We're not sure how long we're going to be away for, but it looks to be about a week. Sorry again, but of course if you need anything you can always call us – you're our number one priority. Love you sweetie!"

Blake heard the phone tell her she had no new messages, then let her hand fall to her side. Was the town really that small? They had just gotten new residents, they had at least thirty people in town, and they were fairly self-sufficient. Her parents even made sure everybody paid their bills either on-time or ahead of time, so why was this such a problem? She shook her head and walked to the window, seeing that the rain had only picked up more, and it was torrential.

"Welp, no asking Yang now," she thought. She opened her phone, depressed at the outcome of the day's events. She let out a sigh but was interrupted by her home screen. It had changed since the last time she looked at it, two days ago – it was a picture of Yang and Ruby, with the words "sneak attack!" written in bold across the bottom. Had they changed it when she wasn't looking yesterday? No, she didn't hang out with them yesterday, she had gone to the store and... Blake peered closer at the picture to see the top of her own head in the background between the two. They pickpocketed her when she was talking to Pyrrha!

Blake fumed, feeling woefully stupid. How could she let herself get pickpocketed so easily? She opened her contacts folder, looking to give Yang a piece of her mind, then remembered that she didn't have Yang's phone number. She sighed and decided to look anyways, in case she'd gotten it and forgotten on the first day they had come. To her surprise, at the bottom of the list, was her name – Yang X.L. with a note attached: "Sneak Attack part 2!"

Blake smiled and tapped on the small picture of Yang she had put in there – forgetting that it would immediately call her. She froze up and let her phone fall to the couch, before stumbling over herself to pick it back up. She was inches away from hitting the cancel button before Yang's face appeared over the screen – oh god, she had accidentally video called Yang.

"Heya Blake, you finally noticed huh?" Yang's cheery smile shone from the screen, and soon Ruby's face bounced behind her.

"Oh! Is that Blake? Tell her I say hi!" Ruby said, waving her hands from behind Yang's hair.

"H-Hey guys," Blake said, "How are you doing?" Her mind raced of stuff to say, literally anything besides 'I accidentally called you.'

"Pretty good – this storm came out of nowhere, but we were inside luckily. Our Uncle Qrow came by earlier and we talked some. Speaking of which, I gotta show you my motorcycle – I nearly built it from scratch!"

Blake's eyes shot wide open. The bike from before, which looked masterfully made, was nearly built from scratch? She couldn't let Yang know she'd seen it already, though, so she immediately made a plan B. "Really? Is that what you did in college?"

"Yup! Named her Bumblebee because she weaves in and out of lanes gracefully. And because people should be afraid of her."

Blake laughed, "I'm looking forward to seeing it. Anyways, I just wanted to check up on you and see how you were doing with the sudden rain."

"Well we're doing fine, but you look a bit wet... and undressed." Blake could tell the whole time Yang was trying to maintain eye contact, but she didn't know why – until she looked down and noticed her shirt was off and balled up on the couch in a wet pile.

"WAIT!" Blake yelled, dropping the phone face-down on the couch. "I forgot! I just got home! I'm sorry!"

Yang's laugh echoed throughout the room. "It's fine," she said, "I didn't see anything. It just looked like you were wearing a tank top from my perspective."

"Igottagobye." Blake stammered as she hung up the call. Not only had she accidentally called Yang, but she accidentally video called her, while she was shirtless of all things! Damn her hatred of being wet outside of showers – even being near a soaked Yang earlier made her uncomfortable, but she was able to stifle it – but now she really messed up. She moved to her room, changing into dry clothes, as she glanced at the clock on her wall.

"Wait, it's already nine thirty? How long was I out?" She said, noticing that the light outside wasn't just gone due to the clouds. She'd really been in the library for a while, she even missed dinner! She slipped her hand into her bedside table and pulled out a granola bar. With her parents not home, nobody could admonish her for eating in her room. With a full stomach and pajamas on, she flopped down on the bed, feeling her still slightly wet hair immediately stick to the pillow.

Her mind was racing with the events of the day, and only now did she realize just how tired she was. She'd been all over town, talking to people all day, being the most social she'd been in weeks. Just the sheer amount of stuff that happened made her eyes droop as she pulled her satin blanket over her. Her mind slowed down as did her breathing, and her mind finally rested on one thing: Yang's crystal lilac eyes, full of cheer, which held her more tightly than the blanket as she drifted off to sleep.

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