That night, all my depresson flushed away, when i saw his pretty face, i mean i fell in love instantly, he was pure happiness, happiness you could never find in one single soul, but somehow got lucky and found it. The way he glanced at me, and smirked drove me insane really, and to be honest here i wish i could go back. Mitch had always been the one to save me from myself, he'd give me constamt advice, and pull me closer than ever at night. i would honestly say, it was a "perfect" relationship, until one joke was cracked, that destroyed it all. Then, it turned into a "relationshit", and for the record I wish I could go back in time and ounch myself in the face to stop myself; I had known he was going through alot at that moment, and i respected that, and I knew my boundaries, and he knew his, but sometimes you honestly wish you can break through those boundaries to help that certain someone, but Mitch would not let me push through, and help him. He was a flawed person, with flaws everyone can point out, his legs were too skinny for his body, his fringe was too curly, etc. but I saw right past those flaws, and loved him for him. I honestly don't know why i stayed for so long, maybe it was just him, he messed with your head alot, i mean alot, but i still loved him, he was mine, and only mine. I was his first relationship, probably why he wanted to break out so bad.