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    "I wanna hide the truth
    I wanna shelter you..."

    (Tenshi's POV)

    I slide gracefully from the tabletop, landing easily on my feet. Doctor Banner makes a "follow me" motion with his hand. I obey, walking behind him to an interior door leading to an elevator. Mr. Stark raises his head to look at the ceiling.

    "Hey Jarvis?"

    "Yes sir?"

    I jump at the disembodied voice.

    "Tell everyone to meet in the common room and that Bruce and I will be there shortly."

    "Yes sir."

    My confusion must be visible on my face because he turns to look at me.

    "What you just heard was Jarvis, my A.I. He's installed in every part of the building and is accessible 24/7. You'll likely see more of him in the future."
I nod, my confusion dissipating. An artificial intelligence. Mr. Stark is a world renowned genius, of course he'd have an A.I.

    He presses a downward facing arrow button and the doors slide smoothly open. We step in, and he presses the numbers 3 0. The 30th floor. The elevator descends quickly and before I can think "efficient" the doors open onto the common room.
He steps out, then Doctor Banner, and I bring up the rear. Thanks to the heights of both men, I can't see the faces of the Avengers. Mr. Stark speaks.

    "I know you're all wondering why I called you down here, and I know I'm going to get a lot of crap for the reason. You all know that we've been getting intelligence from Jarvis about that one H.Y.D.R.A. base. Early this morning, I received information that said base would be particularly vulnerable today and for the rest of the week. I went to the base on my own, as a scout mind you, with plans to survey the terrain for a possible mission that I would have briefed you on afterward. When I arrived, the base was extremely poorly defended, as most of the soldiers were out doing God-knows-what.

    "I took the opportunity. I got in, had Jarvis hack their systems, stole all of their files and was just about to leave when Jarvis picked up a heat signature in one of the rooms. I got around there, and found that it was a cell with a young lady inside. She was injured, the back of her blouse was stained with blood. I hacked the cell, got her out of there and brought her here.

    "I know what you're going to say: I shouldn't have gone off alone, she could be dangerous, that was really stupid of me, blah blah blah; I get it. But I wasn't going to leave her with those people when I could save her.
Her wounds have already been cleaned and checked. She's right behind me if you want to meet her."

    The team is apparently speechless after Mr. Stark's rant. Finally, one of them speaks up.

    "Alright. Let's meet her then."

    Mr. Stark looks behind himself and motions me forward. I stroll confidently from behind his tall frame, my face betraying no emotion. The team looks apprehensive as I gaze upon the people I'd been training my entire life to kill. I stand motionless, waiting for them to make the first move. They do the same.

    It's a Mexican standoff.

    Captain America clears his throat.

    "I suppose we should introduce ourselves. I'll go first. C-"

    "Captain Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America."

    He is stunned. It's written all over his face. I turn to look at the rest of the team, listing their names and aliases as I go.

     "Agent Natasha Romanoff, also known as Black Widow. Agent Clint Barton, also known as Hawkeye. Sergeant James Barnes, nicknamed Bucky, and also known as the Winter Soldier. Pietro Maximoff, also known as Quicksilver, Wanda Maximoff, sister of Quicksilver, and also known as the Scarlet Witch. Prince Thor Odinson of Asgard, also known as the Norse god of thunder and fertility. And last but not least, Prince Loki Odin/Laufeyson of Asgard and Jotunheim, also known as the Norse god of mischief, chaos, lies, magic, stories and artifice. Pleased to meet all of you. My name is Tenshi."

    They are all tense, in defensive positions, weapons drawn, clearly expecting a fight. I don't blame them; I would be the same way. I lift my hands in a placating gesture.

    "At ease. I'm not going to hurt anyone. I'm unarmed, Mr. Stark can attest to that."

    This, of course, does nothing for the situation. If anything, I've made it worse. Good job. To my surprise, the god of mischief chips in.

    "She isn't lying. I'm the god of lies; I know when someone is lying. She didn't plan on coming here anymore than we planned to bring her here. I'm not saying that she is completely innocent, but she means us no harm."

    The Avengers look at him, doubt written on all of their faces. The prince's comment has not convinced them. I pipe up.

    "Look, you can even interrogate me yourselves. I'm not adverse to scrutiny, if that's what it takes. And since you doubt the word of the Jotün prince, have Ms. Maximoff verify my honesty."

    The Black Widow ponders my words, looking for a possible ulterior motive. Still looking suspicious, she glances at me and looks at Mr. Stark.

    "I'm up for it."

    The Captain nods. "Let's do it."

    The others speak their assent.

    Looks like I'm getting an interview...

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