Question 100!

179 4 49

Infinite: Here we are! Now... *Looks at the question* An entire hour to drink as much Fanta/Pepsi as possible, bestie? Oh, hell yeah! Thanks to that entire planet of Fanta I drank, I've pretty much trained for this! You better prepare yourself for this, Smesh!

Smesh looked at Infinite and cracked his neck.

Infinite: Heh heh.

Smesh: Ready, bestie?

Infinite: Yeah! 

Crystal: Three...

Cristina: Two...

Crystal: One...

Crystal/Cristina: DRINK!

Infinite and Smesh grabbed multiple drinks and began to chug them down.

Aeris/Turlandb/Splendid/Lexi: CHUG, CHUG, CHUG!

Uni/Blizzard/Lost/Antasma: CHUG, CHUG, CHUG!

Infinite grabbed four cups of Fanta and drank them all fast, Smesh did the same while Crystal and Cristina cheered their husbands on.

Crystal: You can do this, honey!

Cristina: Come on, Smeshie!

Infinite: Phew! I can do a lot more than that!

Smesh: So can I, bestie!

The two continued, as thirty minutes passed by. The two contestants were going slower but they were still chugging down tons of Fanta and Pepsi.

Lexi: Jesus Christ...

Antasma: Wow!

Blizzard: I'm surprised they're still going. It's been half an hour.

Uni: Yep...

Infinite: Whoa...

Smesh: Yikes... Still gotta keep going.

Crystal: Come on, honey! 

Cristina: Smesh, drink more!

Infinite: ...Alright, screw this!

Infinite turned Mastered Ultra Instinct and began to drink as much Fanta as possible.

Smesh: OH, SHIT!

Smesh turned Ultra Instinct and started to do the same, and by the minute, the Pepsi and Fanta kept going down and down and down until... There was no more left as the timer ran out.

Crystal/Cristina: TIME!

MUI Infinite: ;~;

UI Smesh: Wow...

Everyone started to talk for a few minutes then they turned around.

Uni: We can't decide...

Antasma: Yeah... The votes are the same...

Infinite/Smesh: *Jontron voice* WHAT?!

Crystal/Cristina: EHHH?!

Turlandb: So, it's a tie?

Jen: Looks like it.

Anthony: Oof...

Infinite: Heh heh...

Smesh: Well, I'm gonna sleep this Pepsi off...

Infinite: Same... Oof... Before I do, thank you all for one-hundred questions! This is only a few days old and I never expected it to suddenly grow so quickly! It even got one-thousand reads within two days! I'm lost for words! Thank you again, and see you later!

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