Bonus: Crystal's Pain

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A few hours after the graveyard incident, Infinite nervously walked around the castle waiting for Crystal to wake up.

Infinite: That bastard has crossed the line now... Damn it...!

Laura walked into the castle and raised an eyebrow.

Laura: Huh? What's going on? 

Turlandb: Splendid dared Crystal to go to a graveyard and play Among The Sleep at 3 AM, but she was attacked by... Corrupted versions of her parents...

Laura: W-WHAT?!

Splendid: I'm so sorry, Infinite...! This is my fault...!

Infinite: It's not your fault, Splendid. None of US had any idea that would happen to Crystal.

Cristina: Yeah... Holy shit...

Antasma: I'll tell you, I'm looking fucking forward to vatching Shadownova's entrails spill on the floor!

Lexi/Uni: Goddamn right!

Infinite: *Nods*

Crystal slowly opened her eyes and groaned in pain.

Infinite: Crystal!

Infinite hugged Crystal tightly, she hugged back but immediately started to cry her eyes out.

SMG4: *Sigh* Oh, fuck... This is messed up...

Crystal: W-what has he done to my p-parents...?

Infinite: ...Crystal... I'm so sorry this happened... That heartless motherfucker is using his evil mind to try and depress you... I know this looks bad, but please... Keep hope. And plus, this is a promise...

Crystal: H-huh...?

Infinite: Once Shadownova is weakened, alongside our fallen family members... I will revive your parents.

Crystal: *Gasp*

Smesh: Oh my... 

Infinite: You lost them at the age of seven, and that was a dark time for you and Flame. But I will bring them back. All of them. And I will make sure Shadownova is put through endless torture and suffering. 

Crystal wiped her tears away and kissed Infinite on the lips.

SB123 Meggy: Aww...

Crystal: Thanks, honey...

Infinite: You're welcome, sweetie... *Thoughts: And if he dares lay the slightest finger on you or our little Comet, then I'll make him wish he'd never been created in the first place.*

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