A Fiesty Meet Up

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Midoriya heads down to Iidas clinic. "Hello Iida, how's it going so far?" "Oh hello Deku, it's going just fine. I'm just about done actually. Just finishing recording their data." "Ahh that's good. Well I can take them to their designated areas." "There's really no need I can do it." "No no Iida I can take them, I want to do it. You've worked so hard today already. But also, when will the sedation wear off?" "When were they sedated?" "Kiri said he did it when they picked these two up, so I'm guessing three hours ago." "Well I'm that case it should wear off completely any minute now." "Alright then, I'll take them to the common area until they wake up and Momo has their rooms ready." Iida smiles and bows. "Good luck Deku."
In the common area...
Kaminari and Kirishima walk in. "Hey Deku, what are you doing?" "Well Kami, I'm waiting for these two to wake up." "Uhh Deku why are you staring at them?" Staring at them? Wha- "Uhh I wasn't..." Was I seriously stating!? The two boys suddenly open their eyes. "Hey look the blonde is waking up." Kirishima says. "Hey that's the one that bit me!" Kami exclaims and jumps behind Kiri. I laugh at how stupid he is sometimes, he's a beast when we're fighting another Mafia but he got bit by a new recruit and is hiding behind Kiri. "It's not funny Deku!" "I know... It's hilarious!" He rolls his eyes and stays behind Kiri. The blonde eventually sits up and stares at us. He looks confused and scared but that confusion and fear is replaced with anger. "He looks mad Deku." I roll my eyes at Kiri and turn towards the blonde a seat away from me. "Hey sleepy head." He looks at me with a mean glare. "Who the hell are you!?" Kami flinches and Kiri chuckles, knowing how I'll react. "Who am I?" I stand up and stand in front of him. I chuckle a small and deep chuckle. I get in his face, both my hands on either side of his head making him lean back into the couch. "I'm your new boss, I'm the one in charge, I'm the one who's gonna make you scream at night." I grin that crazy grin of mine. "I'm Izuku Midoriya, leader of The Fallen Mafia. And who might you be, cute stuff? I say all of this to every new recruit. It freaks them out but they get used to it even though I only do it once. "Wouldn't you like to know!?" "Hmm fiesty, I like that. It's a good trait to have." I smirk when he gives me an evil glare. "So pretty boy, you gonna tell me you name or do I have to force it out of you? And that would be a shame, wouldn't want anything to happen to that pretty face of yours." I say this with a pout. I don't usually put hands on the recruits unless necessary, threats just help. I don't usually use many terms of endearment after I say who I am. It's kinda weird but whatever. "Im not telling you anything." He says this as he jerks his head to the left. "Kirishima, finish waking up his friend over here. Kaminari, get the restraints." "What the hell do you mean restraints!?" He snaps his head in my direction and yells in my face. "I would apologize and not do that again if I were you, boss doesn't like people in his face", Kirishima says to him with a serious face. "Shut it shitty hair, nobody asked you!" I shove him further into the couch and get even closer to his face. "You better watch yourself big boy, he's just trying to help you out. Nobody talks to my right-hand man like that so I suggest you watch what you say." He scoffs. "Or what, what are you gonna do?" He rolls his eyes. Well it's time to show him who's boss around here. I smirk at him "You're cute when you're mad. Kami tie up candy cane and come over here." Candy Cane is awake but restrained. Kaminari walks over to me. "Hold his arms in place. Kirishima hold his legs in place. Don't let him move unless I say so." "Alright" They say in unison. They're both smirking because they know what I'm about to do. I've done it before. Right as I'm about to start Tsu walks in. "Hey Tsu come here real quick" "Yeah Deku what do you need?" I smile at her. "Make an announcement over the PA system to not come in the common area until 7:30. Tell everyone to wear their uniforms too." She smiles because she also now knows what's going on. "Alrighty Deku, no problem. See you then." With that she leaves.

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