Panic Attacks

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Chapter 5

Betty sighed as she walked home. My head was hung low as she thought deeply about Jughead. She was so concerned for him. She was his only friend and she couldn't even help him. That made her sad. The heavy downpour didn't help her mood either. Luckily she had an umbrella to protect her hair from being reduced to wet and soggy from perfection. As she came closer the her house she saw a figure sat on the steps to her porch. It was him. Jughead. He was soaked from head to toe. His beanie was in a puddle across the road. He must have thrown it. She saw his back moved in an uneasy fashion suggesting he was crying. But as she stepped closer to him she realised he wasn't just crying he was having a panic attack. Her eyes widened she ran towards him. "Hey it's me, Betty.",  she explained as she tilted his head up to look at her. She saw how broken he was inside. "Just breathe with me. It's ok. You'll be fine.", she continued this until he was relatively calm. "Come on follow me." And with that they both entered the belly of the beast. Through the bright red door and into the perfect hall. She didn't sigh as she usually did, instead she focused on Jug. Her mother was working late tonight so she could help him without her mother asking questions. "Hey I'm going to make you some coffee ok?"
"Yes ok."

She left him and waltzed into the kitchen to boil the kettle. Without her noticing a tear rolled down her cheek. Her friend. Archibald Andrews best up a lonely, broken boy. At the moment all she felt was hatred for the boy next door and adoration for the broken boy sat on her couch. Once the water was boiled she quickly made his coffee. She placed it onto a tray with some sugar and milk. As she walked back into the living room she saw Jughead crying. Not heavily but definitely crying. As she stepped closer the boy wiped his eyes and cheeks. He looked up at her. His eyes dull and his cheeks red. "I'll go get you some clean clothes. Dry clothes."
As she walked upstairs she called out to him, "Juggie can you come up to my room please. It's just easier to help you up here."

As soon as those words came from her mouth she heard heavy breathing from downstairs. She dashed towards the living room to find Jughead staring blankly at the wall. His eyes were scared. His breathing very heavy. She stopped in front of him and touched his face. He looked straight into her eyes with fear. Betty noticed and pulled her hand away. Instead she spoke to him like before. "It's all going to be ok. You safe." Five or so minutes later he was calm. "Are you ok Juggie?"
"I'm sorry I just have PTSD from before my mum left."
"If you don't mind me asking, what happened?"
"My mum uh raped me when I was 11. My dad had gone out so she dragged my sister into my bedroom and forced her to strip me of all my clothes whilst she held me still. After that I had to strip Jellybean of her clothes. Then they both took turns in raping me but Jellybean was forced to. She was only 7."
"Oh my god Jug I'm sorry I didn't think."
"It's fine you didn't know."
"Look Jug I'm not going to do anything to you but to clean you up it's easier in my room. I promise I won't do anything your uncomfortable with."

They both slowly trudged upstairs. And into her room. Betty asked Jughead to sit on the edge of the bed whilst she went to the bathroom to grab a bowl of warm water and a cloth.

She cleaned his face carefully and dreading what she had to ask next. "Juggie, I need to clean your stomach so can you please take off you top?"
"Ok.", Jughead replied shakily. He slowly took of his t shirt. God was he hot she thought. But she couldn't look long as she knew he would get uncomfortable. She clear his chest and stomach and passed him some clean clothes. "Go to the bathroom and change into these."
He did as he was told. Jughead knee better than to not. When he came out he sat down on her bed again. "Ok so you can stay here tonight and sleep in my bed. I'll take the guest room and clean your clothes."

After she had washed her clothes she went to check on Jughead to find him wide awake staring. "Are you ok?"
"Can you stay with me please?"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes you make me feel the safest I've felt in a long time."
And with that Betty climbed into bed next to him. Soon after they both fell asleep.

Sorry for the change in perspective. It just happened.

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