Chapter 4

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I slowly opened my eyes, one of my hands flying up to block out the sun that was assaulting my eyes. I groaned, rolling off my bed and standing up only to fall the the floor with a thump. Sometimes I forgot that I only had one leg.

A minute later my sisters were rushing up the stairs and slammed open my door while I struggled to get up. They were quick to reach my side and grab both of my arms, helping me up.

"Ellie, are you okay?!" Veronica asked, frantically looking me up and down.

"I'm okay, sisters," I reassured, looking to each of them. They nodded, not quite believing me. Margaret sat me down on my bed as Veronica grabbed my prosthetic. She attached it to what was left of my thigh and patted my head.

I smiled at both of them and stood up shakily. Their bodies were tense, ready to jump forward and help me at any second. I cleared my throat.

"Can you two leave so I can change?" I requested. They nodded once more and  gave my shoulders a good squeeze before fleeing the room. I strode over to my closet and swung it open, undressing myself from my comfortable pajamas and throwing on my school uniform.

I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and my hair, pulling it up into a tight ponytail. I exited the bathroom, spinning around to turn off the light.
I turned back to grab my back pack which rested by my door, but my leg locked up and I almost fell.

I leaned my back against the wall and massaged the knee of my prosthetic, then tried walking on it again. My prosthetic would lock up occasionally, it just meant I hadn't been using it enough. That day was not off to a good start, and I had a bad feeling it wasn't going to be a great day either.

I walked over to my backpack and scooped it up, stumbling down the stairs and to my spot at the dining table, where Margaret and Veronica were calmly waiting for me. Well, Veronica was shoving pancakes in her face, but that's besides the point.

I slid into my seat and began eating while we each made morning small talk. When it was time to leave, my prosthetic was a little hard to bend which got me a little worried. I stayed quiet though, picking up my back pack and following my sisters out to Margaret's car.

The car ride was calm with the occasional chatter here and there, mostly just Veronica being silly and Margaret's mom side kicking in. I laughed and they both smiled. We pulled into the school parking lot and got out of the car.

Margaret has already walked off to her office the moment we arrived at school while Vero and I took our time. She had a an arm slung lazily around my shoulder and we walked in sync, my head rested against her shoulder.

"Have a great day, Ellie, love ya," Veronica smiled. I smiled back, wishing her the same. She kissed my forehead and sprinted off to the other end of the courtyard. Suddenly, something smacked into my back, arms wrapping around me making me fall forward slightly before regaining my balance.

Something nestled into my shoulder. I turned back to see Diane's grinning face. I grinned back, turning around in her arms to give her a full hug. I wondered why she was being so nice to me even though we only met yesterday.

"Diane, give her some space, you almost tackled her to the ground," Elaine scolded. Diane released me, scratching the back of her neck and apologizing. I waved it off and she brightened once more.

Meliodas, Ban and King soon joined us as we began making our way to our classes.

Time skip~

Elaine and I were walking through the halls after fifth period, strolling to the lunch room. My leg had locked up a few times, but I managed to catch myself before I actually fell on all times. I would have to check my prosthetic after school.

Elaine was talking to me about Ban, saying how much of a romantic he was even if he didn't seem like it. I smiled, nodding along to her every word before my ears started... ringing?

No, they started popping with and intense pain in them as if I was underwater. Wait- underwater. Pain ricocheted through out my body and the image of teenagers around me flickered, being replaced with the abyss of blue, red slowly curling up from the corners of my vision.

I slowed to a stop and Elaine turned to face me, tilting her head in confusion.

"Elizabeth? You okay?" she asked. I took a few shaky steps backwards, my vision dipping and swaying. My eyes began to roll up into my head and I fell back, the last thing my vision captured was Elaine surging towards me, screaming my name.


I tried to scream, but only bubbles burst past my lips. I clawed all around me, trying to grasp onto something, anything that would help me. I could feel my flesh tearing, my blood spewing from my wound and floating all around me.

My body was being dragged down, and as I looked in that direction, I spotted beady black eyes in the dull blue of the ocean. I could feel the hot tears escaping my eyes despite the water all around me.

My throat burned for air and my sight began fading, as did my life.

I would not die! I wanted to live!

I threw my hand down, piercing the shark's eye with my finger and I could feel it's body squirm. In an attempt to get away, it jerked it's large form, tearing my left leg clean off.

I didn't have the energy to scream into the nothingness, all I did was sink. I saw darkness ahead of me, reaching out to me to bring me into the embrace of death. I wasn't ready to die, but the pain was too much and my breath had run out.

Then a hand gripped my wrist and pulled me into the light.


I heard whispers, small, collective whispers. The tones were laced with concern. I was in... A bed? It smelled like medicine but also lavender at the same time so I could only assume I was in the nurses office. Margaret. Oh god she must be worried sick.

I had another PTSD session. This one was one of the worst ones yet, it felt so real, it felt like I was dying. I tried to move but my body ached even with each breath I took, forcing a small whimper from my throat.

The whispers around me stopped and multiple footsteps rushed to my bedside. There was definitely a handful of people in the room. I heard a soft, shaky voice speak my name which I immediately recognized as Margaret.


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