A light in the darkness

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You were flying for awhile and soon land to eat a pack of humans knights that were sent to reinforce stormwind when you attacked and a portal opened and your son was there and a massive army was behind him of clones and Pyrrhas but they had scales on them.

Nefarian:Father the army is ready and I sent spy's to track down the ruby and they appeared to have been taken by the former war chief thrall in there sleep to orgrimmar for safety and noticed that the remaining alliance leaders are making a truth with the horde to protect ruby from you.
Deathwing:They are nothing for use go and gather the twilight hammer to assist us by attacking the main city's so they can't get a lot of reinforcements when we attack orgrimmar.
Nefarian:Already done.
Deathwing:Well done.

You and your sons take flight while your army start amassing outside orgrimmar.

Ruby's Dream:Where am I?
Ruby soon sees Ysera and 2 other dragons.
Ruby:Are those the other aspects?
Nozdormu:Indeed we are.
Ruby:Now why am I here?
Ysera: Deathwing May have stole my power but I manage to control the emerald dream for now and my soul is there and the others have not reincarnated and they chose to make you have there strength thanks to your silver eyes.
Ruby:No way.

Ruby was soon envelope in the colors of the aspects and awoke and felt so powerful it hurt and soon left the main hall of orgrimmar and see alliance and horde amassing at the walls and soon she sees a horde of jaunes and Pyrrhas but they have scales and had wings.

Ruby:What is happening?
Yang:Y/ns army has arrived and there clones of Jaune and Pyrrha!

End of Ruby's POV:
Your POV:
You sensed a strength like never before and you see ruby on the wall of orgrimmar but she had a golden glow.

Deathwing:Son tell the troops to start the attack!

The army soon charged and shot ballistas and catapults at the wall while orgrimmar called upon the elements to cause lightning strikes and lava and used there own siege weapons and arrows and you and your son flew in and attack the gate and ruby jumped into the war and a flash of light happened and a massive angelic dragon was there.

The army soon charged and shot ballistas and catapults at the wall while orgrimmar called upon the elements to cause lightning strikes and lava and used there own siege weapons and arrows and you and your son flew in and attack the gate and ruby j...

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(Ruby's holy dragon form but it's the size of you)

You smile and soon called upon the strength of Galakrond that you absorbed and felt a overwhelming power and saw your own body fall apart but you remained and grew and grew and tentacles started to grow and you continue until you matched her size!

You smile and soon called upon the strength of Galakrond that you absorbed and felt a overwhelming power and saw your own body fall apart but you remained and grew and grew and tentacles started to grow and you continue until you matched her size!

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