Prologue - An Introduction (of sorts)

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So, the description pretty much lays it out. This is going to be a fan-fiction that follows along with the plot of My Inner Demons (at least until I catch up with where the series is right now. After that...well, we'll see if I wait for new episodes or plunge on blindly ahead) with an additional character.

I realize this may be a bit self-indulgent, in which case I apologize. I've written quite a few fan-fiction in this manner (which will never see the light of day, so please don't ask to see them...they're absolute rubbish). However, now that I'm older I have this crazy idea in my head that it'll somehow turn out better.

I also realize I am a bit late to this fandom party, even though I've been watching the series from the beginning. It's a bit disappointing (as in, I'm disappointed with myself: no shame to Jess!) to see some of my early theories confirmed on YouTube, but it's waaaay too late to get into them now.

So let's see where this crazy thing takes us!

Name: Emerald "Em" Vichana

Age: 27

Height: 5' 11"

Hair: Long, dark brown with a few streaks of turquoise underneath. Usually worn up in a messy bun or a single braid down her back

Eyes: Green Hazel

Skin: Dark (like Rhys)

Appearance: Usually just wears jeans and a print t-shirt. Her pajamas are some comfy sweat pants and a striped tank top, revealing a large tattoo on her left arm of two intertwined dragons, going from her elbow to over her shoulder. Always wears a silver chain with two rings on it around her neck. She needs glasses, having two pairs as well as contact lenses which she doesn't like to wear often because she always forgets to take them out at night.

Occupation: Remote Editor for a science magazine, used to be in the Air Force

Description: A former Air Force sergeant, Emerald was approached by Ava's fathers to keep an eye on their daughter while they are on the campaign trail. Emerald is several years older than Ava and used to babysit her when they were younger.

The apartment featured in this story actually belongs to Emerald: Ava's fathers just pay her portion of the rent and utilities. As a result, money can still be fairly tight for the two women, which is why Emerald has been encouraging Ava to go out and find even a part-time job to help pay for groceries.

Despite these difficulties, Emerald is a caring, if somewhat aloof, roommate. She cooks for the two of them, as well as going running in the mornings before shutting herself inside her room for hours at a time to do her work. Emerald tries to keep Ava on a somewhat normal schedule, but her efforts are not always successful. She was the one who suggested Ava get a job at the grocery store, since they would then have an employee discount to save some money on food. There is a story behind the rings she wears on her necklace which will (hopefully) be revealed in time.

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