Chapter Eighteen - Electronic Babysitter

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Asch sat brooding on his throne, going over the events of the previous day. "I am the prince of Daemos," he murmured, scowling in thought. "My destiny is a great honor." Even as he said the words, his mind flashed images of everything he had endured with the two human females so far.

The Daemos prince was almost disgusted by the surge of emotions he felt thinking back to how all the Daemos had received the caress. Still, he continued to muse on the situation. "It makes no sense... there is no reason for them to tolerate us as they do. If our positions were reversed, we would have harvested them without hesitation." He frowned. "But, then we never would have learned of Princess Ava's lineage and power, nor the potential for magic from this world.

"My thoughts continue to betray me... " he muttered in irritation.

A voice broke through his brooding. "Your mind wanders far too much these days."

Asch's eyes shot open to see Rhys standing before him. "Uh... how long have you been there?"

"I just arrived." The spectacled Daemos paused, as if collecting his own thoughts. "We all know you sit on that throne when you're lost in thought."

"I watched my father ponder in this manner for as long as I can remember."

"Tell me: what's on your mind?" At Asch's continued silence, he decided to venture a guess. "It's the caress Princess Ava and Dame Emerald gave to us yesterday, isn't it?"

"How do you know?" The Daemos prince seemed stunned by his advisor's insight.

"It's still on my mind, as well. I didn't realize such as action would have such a... grasp on me like this."

"Do you think it's their magic?"

"No doubt. But... it confuses me. We have been working under the assumption Emerald does not have any magic."

"As she told us herself."

"Indeed." Rhys paused, looking concerned. "Yet, this action seems to suggest otherwise. It might be possible that the humans of this world possess a sort of... passive magic that does not require any techniques we are familiar with." He closed his eyes. "It seems my emotions have been compromised with thoughts of both Ava and Emerald."

"A mind control tactic?"

"I can't tell." Rhys shook himself, opening his eyes again. "Regardless, I feel there's something else on your mind."

Asch nodded. "You are my grandmother's sole pupil. Has she ever mentioned anything to you about solving the Magic Crisis?"

"N-no." Rhys shook his head, suddenly looking even more nervous than before. "I mean, aside from the mission we're currently carrying out now here on Ee-urth. I'm not aware of any other method, since this has never happened before on Daemos."

"It happened a very long time ago," Asch murmured softly, as if in a trance. "The Royal Family will pay in some way."

"Did you say something, your majesty?"

"Ah, nevermind." The Daemos prince quickly recovered his senses. He rose and descended from his throne, but paused halfway out of the room. "Rhys: do you like it here. On Ee-urth?"

"I'd be lying if I said no," he confessed, looking pensive. "What about you?"

"I think we need to learn everything we can about Ee-urth... even if it takes longer than we hoped." He stalked out of the room, brooding again.

* * * * *

Rhys sighed, both in concern over Asch's current mood and in relief he had not pressed harder about other possible solutions to the Magic Crisis. He felt he'd narrowly avoided giving everything away... and not just about Lady Grandma's plan.

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