This is Just the Beginning

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My therapist asked me what had happened on the night when I met the alien.

I was walking home alone on a Wednesday night. The rain had stopped pouring and I had just finished having dinner with my friends. It was dark and the weather was just awful. The moist path reflected the lightning from the streetlamps along the gravelled road. The wind ran violently through the trees that surrounded me, making them dance. My unzipped jacket flew back like Superman's cape and as I was going to zip my jacket up I heard a powerful echoing shriek amid the trees. Terror froze my steps and I could not move. I looked around panicked but I could not see anything. I was waiting for the echo to fade before I started to walk again but with quicker steps. Suddenly I heard the shriek again but this time I kept on walking and walking – too afraid of turning my back around or stopping. I took out my phone from my jeans pocket to call someone but no one answered. It said that I did not have satellite connection and I knew that it would take some time before I would get home.

As I got further down the road a couple of meters in front of me I saw it walking out from the trees, out on the same path as I. It wasn't bigger than an average human. The alien walked out by showing its back and hiding its face. Its skin looked like black fish scales. I felt how my whole nervous system shutdown, paralyzing me. My breath was shaky and I tried to control my frantic emotions from consuming me. My eyes were wide open, analyzing the alien's every movement. I knew that the alien had not seen me yet so I tried to slowly walk out of there undetected. The light from the streetlamps helped me get a better look at the alien's skin and it was not just black fish scales but a weird odious smelling gue drewelled down form every scale. It formed a puddle of alien gue around its pointy feet – pointy as a ballerina. A million thoughts whirled inside my head. Should I run? Should I stay? Should I call the police? Am I going to die? Does the alien know that I'm here?
I was truly frightened. The fear I had forced down my chest rapidly grew stronger and a mouse-like squeak got out from my mouth. At that moment I knew that it was over, I knew that the monstrous creature would kill me. The alien hastily turned around faster than the speed of sound. As the alien turned around I felt a forceful suction of air from my lungs. It forced me to collapse on the ground with my mouth open, gasping for oxygen in panic.

The alien started to walk toward me with writhe motions. The alien's arms matched its ballerina-looking feet. Each step sounded like an elephant's and the vibrations ran quickly  through the ground's surface. The air I so desperately craved finally entered my lungs. My heart was beating fast – anxiety hugged my lungs like an anaconda pressing the life out of its prey. I got a good look at its face and I've never been more terrified in my life. Fear felt like sharp razors running over my heart. The alien's face was nothing. Just a light grey plane surface. It had no face but I saw... I saw my biggest fears, my deepest griefs. All in a flash. I tried to remove my eyes from the alien's face but they did not want to move. My head flinched down in the ground and tears dropped from my eyes. As I was looking down on my hands the stomping had stopped and I eventually saw the alien's feet right in front of me. I was down on all four, shaking like a scared abused dog. The extreme smell from the gue dripping down from the alien had become stronger and burned through my nostrils and made my eyes water even more. I encouraged myself to stand up but I did not have to do much. The alien forced me up with telekinesis, it straightened my body and tilted up my head. I could feel the warmth from the alien's presence touching my skin. Tears ran down my cheeks like an open faucet. The alien didn't do anything except for blocking my free will of movement. I closed my eyes as tight as I could, praying that this would soon be over.

Out of the blue I started to hear a noise in my head like tinnitus that got stronger and stronger making me scream in devastating pain. But it was not just a high-pitched sound. The alien was communicating with me.
"And what did the alien say to you?" my therapist questioned and reached me a napkin. With a shaky breath I said:
"—This is just the beginning".

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