F means forever

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A Poem for my bestie, TenTeenDreams

You are worth the fight
You are my best friend
And I hope that
With the coming years,
We can grow closer still.
Right now,
Problems arise here and there
But know I'll always be there
When you need me
When you don't
Whether you're sad or mad
Nothing changes
If we end up fighting
Or getting upset
My only pray
For this day
Is we can continue being friends
Best is for the fact that to you, I am closest
Friend is referring to an interdependent relationship we share
Forever means that no matter what,
No matter how pissed we end up getting with each other,
We'll always be there
To support one another
Through thick and thin
Although, sometimes I see us as oil and water
In being 2 completely different people
You are confident in yourself and head strong,
With these traits you can never go wrong
Yet even though you show confidence in your actions
There is always one time I see regret
I am shy towards most and a bit of an overbearing peacekeeper
And yet I show a different side
We all do when we are with people we're close to
Or maybe we don't I've got no clue
My only wish
Is that we'll never call the other a bish
Trust may be flung out the window sometimes
But there is usually a viable reason
Like a f**k up in the past
That can scar you forever
I hope that doesn't happen to us
I won't let it
I'll hate you never.
I hope in this you find comfort
For now you know
We'll always be BFF's
Wherever the other goes.

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