Yomiyama North Junior High

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"I hope you'll be able to get along with everyone. If you have any problem, please don't hesitate to talk to me." says Ms. Mikami, the homeroom teacher of class 3-3, to Kouichi as they walk along the corridor.

Kouichi enters the classroom of grade nine class 3. He stands in front of everyone for about a minute but the classroom looks like a bunch of dolls fixed into their chairs.

"I moved here for my father's job." finally starts Kouichi.
"I am living with my grandparents. And... Umm... It's nice to meet you."

No change of the silence. Everyone is just sitting like they are all piece of stones.

"Please give your friend a warm welcome. Help out eachother and work hard together. So that you can all graduate in prime health next March." says the homeroom teacher.

The room seemed like it is filled with  non-living creatures as it can be phrased.

As Kouichi was walking towards the blank sit, all he was searching for was Misaki Mei, the girl in the elevator. He finally could find her sitting in the last left corner, sitting like steel, just like the others.

But the silent feeling was gone as the bell rang. It was lunch break. Everyone gathered around him and asked him tons of questions about Tokyo and his family. They seemed friendly.

" I heard your father was a college Professor. That he is now doing research in a foreign country." says one of the Students.

"That's right. But how do you know?" asks Kouichi.

"Everyone knows. Ms. Mikami mentioned it. "

The next bell rings. PE class is next. Everybody takes their PE uniform and rushes to the ground. But there's only the class3 students in the ground instead of the whole grade.

Kouichi sits on the outside bench while he looks at everyone running and playing in the ground.

"You seem like you want to run too." says Takabayashi, (one of the class3  students) sitting beside him.

"Yeah. I love running." answers Kouichi.

"So you used to run before?"

"Umm. Yeah."

"I heard you have a heart condition?"

"I was born with it."

Takabayashi says he's gonna lie down in the nurse's office. Kouichi offers to come with him but he answers, "I can go by myself" and he leaves.

"Sakakibara, where did Takabayashi go? Asks Yukari joining Kouichi at the bench.

" He says He's gonna lie down in the nurse's office."

"I sprained my ankle yesterday. So I am not joining the PE class today."

"We dont have gym with another class?" asks Kouichi out of curiosity.

"Only class 3 is different. Class 1 and 2, 4 and 5, have gym together........... You walked around during lunch with Kazami, Tashigawara and the others right?'

" Yes."

"Did they say anything to you?"

"They just gave me a tour around the school."

"That's all??"


I see...If we are not careful, Akazawa is going to yell at us." says Yukari with a low voice.

Kouichi didn’t bother asking about what she was talking about. He rather asked her about something he has been looking for, the whole day.

"Umm... Yukari?"


"I have been wondering, where's Misaki?"

Just by listening the name Misaki, it seemed like as if the whole world just crashed infront of Yukari. She stopped breathing for a second and it felt like her heart skipped one beat.

She looks at Kouichi but couldn't answer.

Kouichi asked again, " The girl named Misaki Mei. Who wears an eyepatch on her left eye."

Yukari nods her head side ways but didn't say a thing.

Kouichi starys looking around him for Misaki. Suddenly his eyes catches the view of Misaki in the roof of school building.
He runs toward the building and behind him, Yukari tries to stop him.

Kouichi reaches the roof and keeps looking towards Misaki. Finally he approches and asks Misaki, "You are watching gym class too? Are you allowed to be here?"

Without answering the question, she asks it back to Kouichi, " You? Are YOU allowed to be here?"

"I dont know". Noticing the drawing copy in Misaki's hand, Kouichi asks, "Were you drawing something?"

Soon, she hides the copy behind her and doesn't answer the question.

"So... How do yo write- 'Mei'?"

"With the same character in 'Cry'. The same used in 'resonate' and 'scream'." answers Misaki.

" I see. So do you remember meeting me in the Yomiyama Hospital?" asks Kouichi.

Misaki nods as a NO.

"In the elevator. At the second basement floor."

"Did that happen?" Misaki asks without any expression.

" Why did you go to the second basement floor? You said you had something to deliver. You were holding a white doll. Is that what you were deliver---" He Couldn't finish.

"Maybe. I hate being questioned. "

"Oh sorry. I wasnt trying to force you to tell me. I was just..."

"Something really sad happened that day.   You are Sakakibara Kouichi, correct?"


"Your classmates haven’t told you yet?"

Kouichi was really shocked hearing what she just asked. Instantly he asked back, " Tell me what?"

"They associate your name with death. But not just any death. A cruel irrational death that took place at this school. This school is a place close to death. Specially ninth grade's class 3. It's much, much closer to it than any other classes."

"To...... death?"

"You really dont know anything Sakakibara? Nothing at all? Nobody told you?"

"About what?"

"You'll find out soon enough... You shouldn’t try to get close to me. You shouldn’t talk to me anymore either."


"You'll find out soon enough."


Walking toward the roof door, Misaki says, "Goodbye. Sa-ka-ki-ba-ra."

To be continued.........

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