The Hospital

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Kouichi is layin in the hospital bed thinking that everything is going to be fine. He was supposed to join his new school this week but because of his sudden medical problem, he was admitted to the hospital.

"So how are you feeling? Does it still hurt?"

"I am fine Reiko, don't worry. So... does dad know?"

"I didnt tell him yet. Yousuke is in Canada right now. Do you want me to tell him?"

"No I will tell him on my own."

"All this time since Ritsuko died..."

Starring through the hospital window Reiko points out the Yomiyama river flowing through the center of the town.

"Can you see the building right there Kouichi? that's the shool you will be attending. Yomiyama North Junior High."

"Is that the same school you attained Reiko?"

kouichi's aunt Reiko attained Yomiyama junior high 14 years ago. His mother attained the same  school too.

"Though it might be tough  for you in the beginning, I hope you'll get used to it in no time.Once you are out of the hospital, I'll help you prepare for life at Yomi North."

Later that day...

The friendly nurse, Mizuno noticed how kouichi loves reading horror books and is a great fan of Stephen King. Kouichi always seems to be feeling low. She tries to come up with conversations with kouichi to cheer him up. Later that day, the nurse enters kouichi's room with three unexpected visitors from his new school. 

"I'll leave you guys alone." saying that the nurse leaves the room.

"We are ninth grade students in class 3 of  Yomiyama North Junior High. I'm Kazami Tomohiko. here with me is  Akazawa Izumi and Sakuraki Yukari. We are here as the class officers of class 3-3"

"Nice to meet you"

though they said they were here to welcome him to the class, the feeling didn't  feel right to kouichi. the awkward silence between their speeches and their face as if they are thrilled; creeped him out.

"You just transferred here from Tokyo, right?" asked Izumi the one in charge of countermesures.


"Is this your first time living in Yomiyama? I figured that you used to live here."

"No. It's my first time living here. I visited before, but I never lived here."

"Well Sakakiba--" suddenly started Tomohiko but he coudn't say anything due to hasitation. They hesitated about something but Kouichi never asked. The students then didn’t bother telling him what the hesitation was for. The change of topic was certainly quick.

"Your first name is kouichi right?"

" We'll call you kouichi then.We look forward to getting to know you, Kouichi." says Izumi giving a hand forward.

"Same here. Thanks." replied kouichi Sakakibara.

As Kouichi shakes hand with Izumi, she starts again, "Are you sure you never lived in Yomiyama before?"

"I dont think so." is kouichi's reply again.

There was always a bit of hesitation in the air. After all this conversation Kouichi was exhausted and the hospital never felt like an welcoming place to him. To drop off the feeling, kouichi decided to go outside for some air. He took the elevator to the basement.

Kouichi was all confused from the coversation before. He stares as the elevator goes down with an eye of cofusion. After almost half a minute Kouichi felt anxious and looked back. He never thought there was someone in the elevator with him, which certainly there was. He saw a girl standing just behind him.

He instantly said, "Pardon me."

He moves to the corner and as he takes a good look, he figures out  that the girl is wearing the uniform of Yomiyama North. She also wears an eyepatch on her left eye.

After a while kouichi asks, " Are you a student of Yomi North?"

After a moment of silence, the eyepatch girl simply Nods.

Kouichi looks at the elevator button and notices that the girl is headed to the 2nd basement and just to remove the awkward feeling in the air, He asks,

"Do you have something to do in the second basement?"

"Yes." she replies.

"But the second basement level is..............."

"I'm delivering something.
My poor other half..... is waiting  for me there."

And the elevator opens.. On the second basement. The girl gets down and starts heading towards the south.

"Hey, Wait up!... What is your name?" screams out kouichi.

"Mei..... Misaki Mei"

Kouichi looks as the girl vanishes into the dark.

Above kouichi is the direction board which says,.. 

2nd basement South
Mechanical room- Boiler room

To be continued.......

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