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Monday 11:45am

"If the American Dream truly is unattainable then why do all Americans want something so far out of reach?"
Jack concludes his speech. The class gives him half assed claps before he takes his seat. Austin Porter then stands up to present his speech. He looks nervous.

"What is the American Dream? Is it equality for all? Or better welfare? Is it the hope for a better life where you have no worries? Jay Gatsby believed his American Dream was Daisy..." He droned on. I had nothing against Austin. He was an interesting person is all. Soon enough his speech ended and he got claps, louder than Jack's. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.

Bee 🐝

Bee 🐝
Hey Dani, I was
wondering if you
wanted to maybe
get lunch with me

Dani 🦒
Like just the two
of us?

Bee 🐝
I mean yeah

Dani 🦒
I'd love too

Bee 🐝
Great, meet me at

Dani 🦒

The bell rings dismissing us. I get up to leave but my teacher called me back.
"Mr.Seavey, could you come here?" Mr.Styles said, " I need you to tutor a student,a senior."
"Oh um who?" I asked.
"Jonah Marais , do you know him?" He said. Did I know him? No. Did I know of him? Yes. Jonah was the baseball captain. He was fairly attractive. Jack knew him so I bet he would find it hilarious a junior, me, is going to tutor a senior, Jonah.
"I don't sir." I reply
"Well that's fine, could you come to my class after school to meet him?" Mr.Styles questions
"Yes sir I can." I reply.
"Perfect see you then."
I walk out the classroom and into the halls. They are less crowded as lunch for the juniors and seniors had just began.
I see Brandon at the entrance,waiting for me. Approaching him I hear him on the phone, " Mama I told you Im fine. It doesn't hurt that bad. Fuck him!" Once he sees me he tells his mom goodbye.
"Hey Dani" He says.
"Hey Bee"I reply.
"You ready?" I just nod my head yes and off we go.

Liked by jr

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Liked by jr.avery, mara_moments, and 34 others
Arreaga_aesthetic breaking the aesthetic to post this cutie
Mara_moments where the fuck are y'all? School is in session
Dani.smiles @mara_moments we went out for lunch but wanted to stay longer so we checked ourselves out of school
Eggwin damn how'd someome as ugly as you get someone as hot as him
Arreaga_aesthetic @eggwin we arent dating asshat
Jr.avery y'all gonna get caught for skipping
Dani.smiles @jr.avery nope we checked out so it doesnt matter

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed.

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