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Monday 2:50pm

"Hey Bee, what time is it?" Dani asks me.
"Um 2:52." I reply.
"Shit! I was supposed to see Mr.Styles at the end of school. How could I forget?" He says, freaking out
"Babe calm down. We are only 5 minutes from the school. I can drive you." I say.
"Oh thank goodness. You're the best!" He says kissing my cheek.
We rush to the car and head to school. It's about 3:00 when we get there, meaning the only cars are teachers or students with after school clubs.
"I'll be right back." Dani says. He runs into the school.


So you and Dani?

What about it

Nothing just shocked

Why are you shocked?

I mean Dani is like
the school posterboy,
Choir Leader, Drama
Club Vice President,
Co-Captain of the
Basketball team, and
he has a 3.9 G.P.A.

And you are just

You think I don't
know this.

I 100% agree. Dani is
way to good for me, but
he is giving me a chance

Just don't break
his heart

I put my phone in my pocket and look up. Dani is walking out the school with Jonah Marais by his side.
"Oh hey Brandon, what are you doing here?" Jonah asks once he sees me.
"I was waiting for my boyfriend." I say. Dani's eyes get wide at this statement. Shit! I knew I forgot to ask him.
"Anyways, Jonah I will text you when I'm available." Dani says.
"Sounds good. See you guys." Jonah says walking away.
"Boyfriend?" Dani asks.
"Sorry. I forgot I didn't ask you and you probably don't- " My rambling was cut short by Dani's lips on mine. We had never kissed, sure there were cheek pecks but that's not kissing.
"I would love to be your boyfriend." He smiles.
"Thank the heavens. I would've cried if you said no." I joke.
"So Ice Cream?" I ask. He just nods and we get in my car and drive to the nearest Ice Cream Parlor.

Liked by brightbesson, PorterPaints, and 20 othersDani

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Liked by brightbesson, PorterPaints, and 20 others
Dani.smiles smiling cuz I got ice cream [📷 my amazing boyfriend who bought me the icecream.]
brightbesson lucky you get icecream and I'm at home doing trig hw
Mara_moments he finally asked you out?
Arreaga_aesthetic shut up would ya
Dani.smiles @mara_moments finally? How long has he liked me?
Zdean.drawings @dani.smiles since ur freshman year
Arreaga_aesthetic @zdean.drawings i am going to kill you :)

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