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Hi my name is alya I'm a 9th grade student in the music program.

Right now were in the music room and we have to write a song about our life. I already had a song prepared. Everyone's working on there song and I'm sitting next to a kid with brown hair who looks really shy. Everyone's done the project I'm the first to present. I sing my song and everyone loved. Then the kid who sat next to me went up. His was about a secret he had or something. Its lunchtime I see the kid that sat next to me in music . I sat next to him. We introduced ourselfs. His name was miles Lennox. We talk,I can tell were going to be great friends. A girl who's famous is in our school named bianca. I went up to her and asked for her to sign my notebook. She gave me a nasty look then knocked it out my hand. Then I ran to the bathroom crying. I called my mom to pick me up then I remembered this is my dream. I'll be OK right?............

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